wow......does sofa fluff even have iron in it? o_o
I'm confused
Something about your sig just bothers me >< I'm not too fond at how you just put a glow around sora and make the layer either difference or exclusion....The render should be the focus point, with effects coming out from around it to create a flow. I can't quite explain...sorry.
Xigbar was not hard for me, so I dunno what you guys are talking about o-olll Are we talking about what was in both games that pissed us off? o_o gummi was unneeded.
1: Axel was given orders. 2: after roxas was gone, axel left the Org XIII and became "good". 3:Remember that scene that was in the final mix version where Axel and Roxas were saying good bye to each other in spirit whatever.
Not that bad....if only they wore a shirt
ha ha ha ha ha ha jack my swag
What?!!? why would it be rated M? =0=
it's horrible IMO CnC please! EDIT: V2:
Yeah, it isn't that hard to find tutorials...just don't do youtube ones...they're too slow in my opinion. Here's another list:
Really lovely job, wolfie. =) You need to tell me your secrets xD
This is old, but oh well.. I like the Larry Butz song the most.
Version 1: Version2: No text Version 3: No blue/red gradient on top CnC! ><
I've seen the bookmarking feature in other forums, where you can bookmark a thread and get notifications if it gets a reply in it. Is it available on this forum because I can't find it...
Let's see....You definitely need more effects. I don't know how to judge sigs with two stocks, but I heard that it's VERY tricky...and I kinda doubt you did it right. I suggest getting rid of one of the stocks. The text is too bold and big when the stock should be more of the focus point and Jelly is right saying that the smaller text is unreadable.
That is not fake. The strategy works, is just that there are flaws, like if it was versing a ground/rock/steel or ghost type; the strategy wouldn't work. tyranitar makes a sandstorm. Aaron has sturdy, so it can survive an attack if it has full health. Then it does endeavor, which brings the opponent pokemon down to the health of the user pokemon. So their health will go to one or 12. Then sand storm does the little bit of damage needed to kill of the opponent. Then shell bell restores health relative to how much endeavor did (which is alot and practically makes it full health) Rinse and Repeat!
I don't think that is waht the OP is asking for..... WHat about these? You can always edit them.
Axel? no....It's not him. Axel still missed Roxas after Sora and Roxas became one. How about DiZ? o_O I mean, DiZ chose Sora to "carry out his vendetta."
I practically do this will all games that I love. Tales of symphonia - there are a lot of side missions that I missed the first time around and had to play several times just to get them all. Online, I would look for the manga, find character bios, saved random images etc. =) Sonic series - I seriously kept looking at sites that contained everything sonic Kingdom Hearts - I'm on KH-vids....I think that's enough hahaha Pokemon - looked up strategies, got merchandise, looked at for anything new about Pokemon everyday, etc. x-x
My opinion, if the movie is good enough, I'll buy it. The special features that some movies have with them are just amazing. Like I downloaded Wall-e, but I later I bought the DVD. The DVD's special features were fun to watch because of not just the short that came with it, but there was a little documentary about how they made all the sounds in the movie, since there wasn't much human speech in the movie and they needed to use sounds to tell the mood of the movie. It just really sucks when you by a DVD and get nothing great for special features....