the Super Smash Bros Brawl Soundtrack. so many different songs, all beautifully played
AWWWWWW! =D idea.... why.....oh well....CRACKLE!
omg.... that face! [spoiler] Pinkie! I'll give you whatever you want.
Crackle is the best dragon =D I was bored and made this =p
Love them Captain crunch
Meh... Spoiler
Just wondering, why are you making this? O_o
I still think watching that one video of the guy completely freaking out on Amnesia with his friends listening to him over skype is the best reaction vid ever.... [video=youtube;yLHlZcDT35U][/video]
Oh ...forgot about that. Proves how much I play AD. HAHA Anyways, Lulu Champion Spotlight! She looks tough to play... [video=youtube;R1Gs1D2rUIM][/video]
GET ALL THE SPEED! Who says you can't have enough attack speed? =D
haha, Thankies! PINKIE PIE!
Fiora with phantom Dancer is just so OP.
Who made the current layout? I must say that it's really nice. Good job. <3
Weird, when i posted up the thread, it didn't show any threads with similar titles O-o Both of you getting added right away. =) I'm excited for Lulu. =w= cause I only play support. xD I fail with any other class.
avatar: 9/10 PIKACHU! Sig: um....2/10 Nothin really there
Sadly, yes. D=
It could be that the frame rate is just slower. Want me to fix that? and it looks pretty fast to me o_o unless it's supposed to be waving all over the place
it's actually possible, according to a study. if you're willing to read about it:
Anyone play this game, just wondering? Dota-esque gameplay and it's FTP. Lately I've been hooked on it and many of my friends been hooked too. Add me! My UN is Vennyven =D
I'm kinda confused what you mean by overall plot. You mean like how season 1-4 seem to just connect in the end?