Yeah, saw these on the Kingdom Heart Facebook page. They're just gorgeous. Seeing Xion in HD cutscene just makes me miss her. D=
*cries* but but...we were sisters in the kadaj family
so I don't know why, but I can't do well in college at all. I can do the's just that tests pretty much kill me. In the end, i'm kicked out of college. I'm not really sure what to do. My parents are going to kill me, I won't be able to take any classes anywhere until summer cause all the other colleges around already started spring quarter/semester....I'm just so confused....Now i'm not very sure the major I'm in works with me. (I'm a Comp. Sci major)
Why Hello, thar! you don't know meeeeeeee! *runs in to the shadows and crashes*
Maybe, just maybe
avi: 6/10 sig: 6/10
Avvy: 8/10 like the pic =D sig: 9/10 nice =D
5'4.5'' =p just right
DONNA FOREVER! Doesn't have to be doctor/donna =.= don't like that actually. just... DONNA IS THE BEST! Better than any other one.
lolz, I know where she got that too. =D
after 2009 I rarely went on =p
I just want to see tennant again.... 0w0
Apparently a fan made a gameboy verison of super smash bros. It's free for window mac version. Was pretty fun, but the controls are kinda hard to get used to.
yay, i'm a happy person!
Lol, looking at all of the posts, I think I'm the only one who doesn't like Rose very much. =p
Are you using a laptop? Cause sometimes my USB ports won't work at all, all I have to do is unplug my computer from all power sources (battery included), wait for a few seconds and then turn it on. It starts working, but the problem may come back randomly.
Okies then. Go and lock the thread then. =D Thanks everyone
Good idea, I'll look at the Gif right away. EDIT: Nope, nothing is wrong with the GIF Aw works fine on Firefox, but lags on Chrome =/
TECHNICALLY, he does. hahaha
He was! Remember that idiot who went with Rose and the 9th doctor? =D