eeeeppp it workedddd! :DDD
ok .
i'm such a ditz, it's not even funny..
ah yes. i see it naow.
hmmm... where would the letters be..? a new popup, the program log or...?
yeah, i remember. :D yayyyyy i'm progressing!
ok lol. took me a minute, sorry.
well one is a blue box that says the pcsx ps2 emulater and the other is one is the "program log"...
it's fine. it says... wait, which one? two things pop up. xP
yes, a blue thing.
lol sounds funn. ermmm no. no where except the kh2 is done downloading. xP
alright ttyl then.
allllll right. so, you just press next until it says finish? because it ask me to select a bios thingy and there isn't one popping up to select... >.>
uhmmm.. its the pcsx2 thing we're talking about right?
alright, we shall do this fast then, yes?
mkay :D it's starting to download
you mean like bit torrent..?
252 gb .