awesome. :DD
mkay. downloaded.
yeah, that's fine.
still Japanese... >.<
after i typed it in, it said it was unable to open the iso.. is that correct? i did everything right...
alright, did it.
so, just the kh2 one right? or both disc folders?
Nope... Well, I did kinda, but the things still put together. So the whole thing is the ISO?
ok hold on... there isn't a ISO type file.. they're all IRX, IDX, and Disc Image... O.o
indeed i do. x)
alright. i have to go anyways. talk to you later. :)
---------- The file path will be this: C:\KH2FM_patched\-the name of the ISO-.ISO ---------- Is this how I find out the ISO name...? O.o
alright. downloaded! :)
goodnight! that'd be great. :D
hmm... hardware mode setting isn't grayed out for me.. xP
alrightttt here. still a little on the slow side, but a lot better. :)
lol ok. have fun taking out the trash~~
alright .
mkay, done with that.
ookie dokie. i'm there.