Lol yeah :3
Ahh ok. Yeah, it sucks. But I've gotten over it. I'm pretty content with the games I have. X3
I just got KH3D XP I don't get new games often lol.
Lol awesome C: Any cool new games you got?
Lol mainly the same ol same ol XD another reason I've been gone from here is because I've been more active on my dA account. What about you?...
thank you ^w^
lol thanks :3 oh, and happy new year ^w^
That's cool ^^ I got some clothes, makeup, a really pretty necklace from my grandma, and a kingdom hearts blanket soooo it was pretty good lol :3
Ah, sorry for the late reply. Been busy. XP merry belated Christmas. :) How was yours?
^^ Yeah, I'm not on much because I hardly ever get anything.. XP So how have you been? =]
oh hai thar :3
hahah XD
ahh! don't eat meh! D: lol
hahah was being sarcastic, silly :)
lol fun XD
Lol yeah. XD So whatcha doin? :)
Lol mainly just bored and tired. XD
Nah, mainly just starting back on school work and whatnot. :P