wow lol. i used to have a wii but it broke a long time ago. xP
psp, ds, and ps2. i want to get an earlier model too for it's backwards compatibility, but i'll probably just keep my ps2 and just get a...
lol same here! :D
haha yeah xD
.................................................... I win.
yeah. my brother said that i shouldn't waste my money on it because everyone says the graphics and games are a let down and i said that i don't...
Haha awesome xD
just been hanging out with my friend and doing school work. you?
cake is delicious. that's why it was the first thing to come into your mind. and i'm too exited that i don't have words to describe it! i've been...
mm nothing in particular.. what about you?
indeed. :)
not it isn't, but it's still pretty darn cute.
after reading all these post, i'm probably wrong, but i always thought that of it as a division problem.. like you divide 358/2 and the result is how many days you actually played.. i think i'm completely wrong though now that i actually think about it. ^^"
lol yeah.. i got bored again and thought this was pretty cute ^^'
sorry about your grandfather passing way. :(
lol true. lol yeah, why has it been so long? O.o i haven't really been doing anything, just laying around the house doing schoolwork and...
that's good. xD preeeeetty good. a little on the bored sighed, but eh, i'll live. :)
lol i meant lots xD
I've been there once, lost of historical stuff.