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  1. Nailpolish <3
    Bye Sabby
    We still have school so w/e

    But damn a lot of people are gonna miss you here. D:
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 31, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  2. Nailpolish <3
    My gr. 8 teacher got all a spasm attack once when many of the students in our class said that they didn't like gay people.

    So in retaliation, she brought the bible.
    She found almost every sin and read it out to us.

    None of the sins had anything to do with homosexualism.

    Look, I could care less about who people hung out with and who people dated/kissed/had intercourse/etc. I'm muslim and its pretty much shunned from my religion, but seriously, I could care less.

    I hate the fact that people make it so hateful.

    Does it really matter to have Adam and Eve? The worlds overpopulated already.


    God loves us all, don't think its anything to do with God.
    Its ignorant people in our society you should be blaming
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 31, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  3. Nailpolish <3
    My 7 year old sister bites and punches. I beat all. :P
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Nailpolish <3

    Heres some tips:

    try using a different font. Are you using paintshop, gimp or photoshop?
    try using a render, those images are just plain keyblades, that anyone can find. You could use some brushes, and a different colour. And the background is just grey, meaning its not even a render...\
    and the images itself are horrible quality.

    Your first time is okay :D
    but put some more effort into it.
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Nailpolish <3
    Leah smiled at Carol. She was about to say something, when her cell phone rang. She sighed. "Its my sister" she said to Carol. She smiled. "Aren't you going to pick up?"

    Leah shrugged then flipped open her phone. "Hey Tasha".
    "Leah.." she said out of breath. "I' the hospital"
    Leah rolled her eyes. "Why?"
    Tasha replied. "I don't know..."
    Leah sighed. "Are you hurt?"
    Tasha didn't reply. Leah sighed again.
    "Carol, I got to go to the hospital."
    Carol looked at her. "Anything wrong?"
    Leah shrugged. "Dunno"
    They headed to the hospital
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Nailpolish <3
    Leah and Carol went to the little cafe Casey and Leah went to. They sat down and ordered. "So...hows life?" I asked Carol.

    Carol laughed. "Same old. Its been pretty boring.." she sighed. "I kind of miss Hogwarts"
    Leah grinned. "Agreed. I almost wanted to be the nurse there...but the job felt to easy. No adays, there aren't many people coming into the Hospital. Not saying I want that to happen..."
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Nailpolish <3

    I first assumed you were asking if we had any friends in general xD

    anyways, yeah, actually, a lot of my friends are game-junkies.

    I'm sorry about your friend moving to Cali. You can always talk to him though ^^
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Nailpolish <3
    ooc; hehe. plot change since i am bored xD- i am left with my sisters child since she died. Hmm..A boy or a girl?

    Leah started to file her files, even though it was her secretary's job. She had called in sick, so there was no point of waiting for her. Leah sighed. She looked up as she heard the door open. "Hi Carol". she smiled, it was her supervisor. "Hey." she grinned. "The hospital is empty..."

    Leah smiled. "Yes I know. But I guess I gotta stay on call huh?" she sighed again and put the file down.

    Carol smiled sympathetically. "Yes I know what you mean. But we can always leave, it will only take a second to come back by apparation. Would you like to go out for some coffee? We'll have our beepers on."

    Leah grinned. "Yes definitly!"
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Nailpolish <3
    ooc; Lol okay :D

    Leah lay on her bed-yet again. She wasn't even on call, if she wanted to get pain, she had to just sit there.
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Nailpolish <3
    ooc; hmm so what did I miss D:
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Nailpolish <3
    I managed to make a few :D Hopefully they don't suck as much.




    Unsaintly Saint:


    eh sorry! I know a lot of them suck >.>
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  12. Nailpolish <3
    ooc: kk me too. tomorrow ^^
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Nailpolish <3
    "Okay" she said. "Then you should start by getting all the practicle spells for first aid like Ferula or Episkey
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Nailpolish <3
    "Hmm" she said. "How about the topic? Whats your presentation about?"
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Nailpolish <3
    Leah smiled. "Its okay, you should've seen me my first time. It was horrible..."
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Nailpolish <3
    Leah laughed. "Well theres nothing wrong with saying the truth." she grinned. "So...what did you want me to help you with?"
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Nailpolish <3
    Leah blushed. "You are too" she smiled.
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Nailpolish <3
    "Hi Immy" she said cheerfully. "Your good at drawing"
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Nailpolish <3
    Leah smiled. "Its okay."
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Nailpolish <3
    Leah was in the cafe, sipping some water and waiting for Casey.
    Post by: Nailpolish <3, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home