okay. now you can leave >.> thats disgusting. nice.
omgsh. that is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. its like a love tragedy. HJ, if you leave, I will personally slap you for sasumi.
dude, no one hates you. trust me, its just sometimes they take anger out on random people, example: me. don't judge us yet. stay ^^
lol. I always wondered why the king is called burger king, when it should be King Burger. random thoughts pwn, indeed
either way I don't like honey. I don't know, something thats been in a bugs mouth just screams retching.
Ahh I hate the girls with uggs. First of all, they are ugly. Hense the name UGGS. Second, they are ridiculously expensive. I'm not going to pay 300 dollars for some boots that are that ugly. And third, everyone that wears them are bishes, and I hate them ^^ *no offence to people on here who actually do wear it..
Bye 1994 ^^ for 2 days you might be missed. :D wait what did happen?
Gosh, I used to love the Amanda Show. I used to watch it a lot along with All That, until I realized how un-funny it was...but it was funny when I didn't have such a dirty mind. D: I don't really remember Moody's Point, I don't know why, all I remember is that in All That, Jamie Lynn Spears was an old lady in one of the skits. Thats all I remember. Mind you, I have a very bad memory...
I don't have gimp, which is a real shame since I love your tutorial! And your outcome. I love it, and I'll try your colour schemes and new adjustment layers. ^^ Great Job, and it definitly did help me when it comes to changin the tone.
Nine in the Afternoon- Panic at the Disco.
Donald looks like he's hoping to lay an egg by putting out his junk.
Uhh, I would. I love those bands, why wouldn't I? Just because you have those things doesn't mean you aren't a girl, even though you are a guy. Its an easy mistake to make. And I didn't even pay attention to your sig or avi...
LOL. Dude, your a guy? *sorry, I haven't been on for a while >.> I thought I was having this civil battle with a woman D:
ah. I used to love Britney Spears, I have all her albums except her latest and her debut. I hate how all the blame is always going to someone else but not the person who deserves and NEEDS to be blamed-Britney. The media is portraying her as a mental patient who can and might suicide any moment, but she isn't, all she needs to do is get her act together. I love her new song, and I even feel bad for saying it, I just wish she didn't sell out, and so young too...
lol. dude. Most of the people here love Video game characters, have you been living under a rock? And sorry, but I can swear all I want with out you saying if I should or shouldn't. I just wonder how I am showing off? lol. ty muffin <3
15 year olds pwn, must I add that Sora is 15? fcuk. Sora doesn't pwn does he D< ROXAS DOES THOUGH. He is 15. *nods*
I just realized you could see how many people viewing.... D: but don't blame me, since I'm a new-post whore. I click 21314343252 times a day :D If I am on that long anyways...
its okay. everyone makes mistakes. its very easy for number-type-ohs. so please edit to make it 1993. ^^ I am definite thats what you meant. :D jk. don't kill me :O
Cupcake, you have the most exuberant eyes :] all these pics are lovely. anwita01, your pics are gorgeous as well.
clearly not. eh. beans, beans the musical fruit, the more you eat the more you poop. something like that. >.> simpsons is intellectual.