thats why there is something called the internet xD use it. it has all the deathnote episodes, and probably your dub too, since Canada got it before USA :P
lol, thats a compliment from me. even though its beyond weird...
yes. a deviantart account will get you a lot more replies. They love to do photography too. anyways, you are seriously tallented, which makes me slightly envious to see your pictures xD they are awesome. I love this one:
I love taking pictures. but I suck at it xD I love to touch em up. Do some photoshoping.
awww! my hogwarts buddy >< I hope you do come back, just think about it more. bye ^^
agreed. these flame wars are stupid and childish. people who actually do nubbish things are the people tryng to get attention. This forum is getting so annoying and stupid, and people are letting that happen.
your walking on the walls? *first picture* and yeah. nice drums.
Dance Hall Drug- Boys Like Girls
lol you actually counted. nice.
Madison. >: I CHEAT
I can never use the pencil tool >< and you used it great =] I like how you placed the image and the drawings around it are amazing! It looks really good, and i like how you outlined areas. All I have to say is make the text more noticable. GJ
I love it =] The font is nicely placed, same with the render, and the brushes look amazing around it. The colour is nice too, its not a solid red since you added the brown in the background. GJ
*nodds* makes more sense.
Matthew Zimmermin xD
Is that the slogan for Paris Hilton :3 [/sarcasm
LOL. I love your username. xD I'm a P!ATD fan too. er, welcome =] PM me if you want help, etc.
Hey =] post lots, if you want advice, we will love to help you. have fun and welcome.
oh God. this whole crank that crap is annoying.