It's possible but unlikely to change. It's at that limit to prevent spam posts, and ten characters really isn't that hard to hit.
pffft please look at mine Spoiler
I think you have to switch groups at least once in order to get to the Core. For two groups, try killing the head first. It'll bring up the "do you want to switch?" box, switch to the second group. Should the head regenerate, destroy that again and both parts of the right arm but ignore all the "do you want to switch?" boxes. Shield should go down over Right Core, destroy Right Core and when it asks switch again. Then take on the main core. You should get a "Shield Down" message. I've never played with two parties against it and you are at a disadvantage because you don't have Vincent (his stats are some of the stronger ones), but switching is pretty much a crucial part of this battle.
They've had financial problems already, I think during the last fiscal year they lost some 1.6 billion yen? Something obscenely high like that. They did trademark The World Ends With You in Japan recently, though that may only be because of use in Dream Drop Distance. But HEY. Worry not, they're re-releasing XIV within the next year! Rumored but not confirmed. If anything we won't see it soon. HA Nope, again rumored and if a remake was done someone in their official lines said they'd "change some things" which worries me greatly. Unless they mean better translation, because then by all means, have at it. I'm going to vomit on them if they actually make a XII-3. It's really beating a dead horse at that point. They are doing an HD remake of X though. Hopefully with better voice acting.
same .
NO DON'T LEAVE ME That aside, have fun bro. Hope everything goes smoothly and all. :] i may still need emotional support though so i apologize in advance to bother you on your vacation oops
Depends what level you're on and what party members you have where. I know in my game I was in the mid 90s and the main party was Cloud, Tifa, and Nanaki. The other characters weren't as high-level, maybe high 80s, but all had their highest level equipment and limit breaks. But if you decided not to get Vincent or Yuffie, you'll have one party only and Sephiroth will have the lowest health. Make sure someone with a decent MP can use Cure 3 and consistently heal. For the arms, if you have the Ultima or Bahamut summons, casting those a few times should eliminate the arms. If you're not a heavy magic/summon user, make sure your melee attacks have enough power to do significant damage and don't stress much about taking damage - the more damage taken, the faster the limit gauge fills up. Obviously don't let it get too low, but it's something to keep in mind. The head regenerates but isn't hard to destroy. The body will use Bizarro Energy a lot, Honestly the main strategy is just hammering away until you defeat the core. If you're fighting with three parties, you'll have to destroy all the areas and then the core. After defeating a body part with one party, switch to a different party. Power helps but you still need strategy.
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Hey, the image in your signature is over our allowed size limit of 500x500px, please either resize or remove it. Thanks.
If you made and recorded it, then it's fine, but if you got it on iTunes or something similar then I'm afraid not. You're welcome to make an AMV...
Hey kiddo, what's up?
It's fine, haha. No problem.
That wouldn't be hell for me, hell would be a battle against Whitney using only Miltanks.
I'm more than happy to ask them for you, just shoot me a PM. :] Yep, just posting it in the thread is all that's required. [COLOR="CC00000"]In response[/COLOR] Either of these are perfectly fine.
Welcome to the site, always good to see another cosplayer around. :] As the others have said please read the rules, including the stickied ones in each section. If you have any questions though, please let a staff member know - we're the ones with the red, purple, green, and blue names. And if you want to check out a small community of cosplayers here, there's a link in my signature. Aside from that, have fun and see you around!
For those that asked, yep, that's Katniss. Anyway. Makaze - Flows fairly well; simple but effective. Could use a bit more depth in the background but nothing excessive (maybe a bit of burning if you're using Photoshop). Little bits of the text look a tad erased though, but still readable. Just curious though, did you color this or was it already colored? Stella - Not bad, though there's no real flow to speak of, it's not causing me to lose focus of the image. A little too washed out for my personal tastes but it doesn't detract from the overall look. Text's a bit distracting but not overly so. Titan - With some work I think this could've been taken to another level, but to me it falls somewhat short of what it could be. You've got a good start, but there's way too much empty space and I think it's a case of negative space working against you. I don't think there's too much of a flow here and I'd recommend experimenting with text placement so it doesn't seem to be "floating" as it currently is. Not a bad start but doesn't feel complete.
On request; +\LOCKED/+
Hey there, welcome to KHV. Seems your thread got moderated because of the links - easy way to avoid that is to simply link the sites you can be found on in your signature rather than posts (also avoids accidental advertising). That being said, please read the rules before posting elsewhere, and if you have any questions or just want to chat feel free to drop a staff member a message. We'd be more than happy to help you out. Hope to see you around!
Gonna ask that further questions be held until P gets a chance to answer these.
Sorry, I've been pretty busy with the end of the term. I'm not bad though, you?