I prefer Mystematic.
Yeah, the art style is great and I've never seen anything like it before. Fantastic game, can't wait to see what the developers do next
Yesh please
And think it's a dress Spoiler Actually it would be stupid of me to even think I'll ever have a girl in here but I thought this would be funny
My friend bought it for me on Steam too, for my birthday. Such a great game!
:0 you like Bastion! +20 awesomeness points
Clawtooth, Spoiler That is going to happen, it was even shown during a promo. Anyway that was a bit of a filler, but God that was such a great episode. Korra and Bolin are so great together, I absolutely died when I saw that ship sink. The creators are basically trolling us at this point, and I love it. It's kind of like they're just getting the ships out of the way so they can get to the real show.
Please get on Skype when you have the chance~
This one was great. Kaiba making fun of Noah for being dead freaking KILLED me, so did the Jesus jokes.
Aaah I don't know when I'll get to see it. I'm going to be that guy who hasn't seen the Avengers. Ugh.
Great, now I need to capture the Avatar to reclaim my honor.
You can die in a fire, Sokka is the best character from anything that has ever existed, ever.
I've still never seen Star Wars :D
mfw everyone hates me
I was actually just quoting Aang's pure win line in "Nightmares and Daydreams" :P Sadly, Suki died in a fire five days after the events of the...
I got 14 as well.
This was local news, the kid goes to UCSD where I'm starting this fall. Horrible for the kid. Luckily, he's probably going to get millions for the lawsuit.
OOC: You keep using "Breathe" when you mean "Breath". "Breathe" is a verb, "To breathe". Breath is a noun, "To take a breath". BIC: Kota stared at the airbender who had just spoken. For a second, he felt sorry for him. Then he stepped forward. "You're right," He said. "A belief is all we need. Look at how many of us are here! We can make a difference, no matter how little it is. Let's start a resistance! Let's do it!" Immediately after he said it, he realized how kiddish and naive he must have sounded. But he was sticking with it.
God damn I wish I could rep you right now. And it was an 80's party, in case anyone's wondering. And yes, I straightened my hair.
Problem, Misty?