I don't really know, I didn't pay much attention to that, just kind of let it happen. Anyway it was just confirmed that we don't get the new...
Can you please use the picture you drew of me?
his unpriditbly makes it impossible to understand how to obtain victory
(Dreadful) Lines sent- Jayn did you receive them?
I don't really know of a list, except in the rulebook, which is here: http://www.yugioh-card.com/en/rulebook/
It's terribly inaccurate, at least in my case. I also like Sages and Bishops because they can heal.
Diamond please!
I actually like Sages and Bishops xD
They're just so slow...
I have him as a Paladin, I find Great Knights to be pretty useless
I really like Joshua, Franz, and Myrr.
I like to come out of a battle bloodied and wounded, but just having defeated my enemy. I love it when I win with just 1 HP left. Or even better...
Nah I'm the same way, I'm about 50/50 with the arena so I don't like to take my chances. I kind of like that FE discourages grinding. Grinding...
Sorry, just got back from vacation. I think the FE games are in a canon, but I'm not sure about the order...it's more like lore, I think.
Hey! I'm doing okay, I'm on vacation at the moment. I'm sorry to hear that. My grandpa died a few years ago, but we weren't very close.
Yeah we were just talking about this in Skype the other day. It is insane how attractive Kingdom Hearts fans, specifically the ones here, are.
Starkid concert last night! They're the people responsible for A Very Potter Musical/Sequel. Totally awesome night. I also learned the extent of how ridiculously unphotogenic I am. (Lots of pictures inside) Spoiler Me and Jamie Lyn Beatty!!! Me and Laruen Lopez (Basically the highlight of my life) Me and Joe Walker, I probably had an erection in this picture. Me Joey Richter! He's so nice. Awesome dude. Me and Brian friggin' Rosenthal. I definitely had an erection during this one. BRIAN HOLDEN THERE ARE NO WORDS Meredith Stepien!!! She is amazing. Jim Povolo!!! I don't know who's face is derpier. He was shirtless the entire concert too omg And here's me, Myst, and our friends before the show.
I haven't really gotten to know you but I can tell you're a great guy and it's a pleasure to have you on this website. Take all the time you need to think. We will be sad to see you go, but it is your choice. I wish you the best of luck.
Congratulations on the redness!
Dude my freaking uncle who's house we were watching the game at only got the first 10 minutes of the overtime and cut off. Watched at home though and very happy. That was an amazing game.