HEY GUYS I've been thinking about you guys a lot lately. A few of you in particular, I've missed quite a bit. It's been almost a year since I left, I think? Wow. SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED IN THAT TIME NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT I SORT OF CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO EVEN. But yes. Anyway. I've been thinking about you guys and wondering how everyone is doing so I've decided to visit. I'll be hanging out for a week and then heading out again. If any of you newbs don't know me, I WAS A KHV LEGEND ONCE. Not really, I was just some guy that some people talked to sometimes. ANYWHOOZLES, HOW ARE YOU GUYS WHAT IS NEW IN YOUR LIVES HOW IS EVERYTHING WHAT HAVE I MISSED. Here's a summary of my life post-khv: Spoiler Okay, where the Hell do I even begin. Okay. So I left I think toward the end of summer, my last summer before transferring to UCSD. My first quarter there, was not amazing. My roommate was beyond awful, and even though I was making a lot of friends, I couldn't really feel like I ever belonged anywhere. I spent most of that quarter migrating between different groups of friends and trying to find where I belonged, but I didn't really find a good group until the very end of that quarter. But a few good things did happen. I joined my school's improv team, and as it turns out, I'm actually pretty good at improv. I had to spend a lot of time practicing, but I've now been in two improv shows in front of a ton of people and can't wait to be in more! I also finally got to start realizing my love of theater, I was in a play, and started writing one. I also joined a lot of really cool campus orgs and such. My second quarter was when things started to get really awesome. I moved out of my apartment and into a way better one with some awesome friends I made. I made new friends, great friends, best friends. I was in 24 hour play fest again ( and it was recorded!) and I loved it. I also wrote a play that one of the theatre companies put on. Seeing it was amazing, it felt so unreal. I'd really love opinions on either play :D But yeah, my second quarter was awesome. I got a lot closer to the people on the improv team, my apartment, my major, and other people I'd met by various other means. I went to LA quite a bit that quarter, for concerts and for an improv festival which was SO AWESOME GAH. Possibly most awesome of all is that I scored a summer internship as a software development engineer at Amazon. This summer I'll be moving to Seattle and enjoying being payed $6000 a month, so that's going to be pretty awesome (IF ANY OF YOU HAPPEN TO BE IN THE SEATTLE AREA YOU SHOULD VISIT ME). It was kind of funny, they changed their minds and said I was going to work in Toronto, so I was making plans to meet What?, but then they changed their minds again, so that's sadly not a thing. But I'm going to meet him someday, dammit. Anyway, now I'm in the last quarter of my first year and everything's going great. I'm loving the crap out of college, it's SO GREAT to be away from home, and I'm doing all sorts of awesome stuff. Other general things include getting back into Yu-Gi-Oh, discovering an intense love of sushi, getting into electroswing music, and finding that alcohol can actually be kind of awesome. Oh, and boys. KHV, boys are awful. I advise you to not ever boys. If you ever thinking about boys, just refuse to boys. Do not ever boys. Seriously, I could write an entire essay about all my guy problems. Boys are terrible creatures. But then girls kind of suck just as bad. I asked out a girl for the first time in my life last quarter and she made up a fake boyfriend SO THAT WAS FUN. But we're still friends so it's aight.
Haha, there are a few people I PM'd more personal goodbyes to, and I just keep coming to see if they replied. I'm also being an attention whore...
Thank you guys very much :) I will miss you all too. Keep rockin'
There are just some...things going on in my life, things are changing, and ultimately, it's just time for me to go.
Hey guys, I've decided it's time for me to take my leave. This isn't going to really affect that many people since I've never really been a huge part of the community, but it's time for me to go. I would just like to say thank you to everybody who made this place a place that I have always loved and still do. Thanks for everything, everyone! I'm also going to be deleting Skype from my computer, so this is also goodbye to the people in the KHV Skype group. If in the future anyone has a reason to contact me, you can reach me at JesseDuarte13@gmail.com, and from there I can give you any other contact information you might want. Love you guys. Goodbye!
Have fun trying to find something positive to say about me!
Hey come on, i'm getting better. I know it's been at least...five hours since I've hit on you.
I'll take you, Makaze. Me, Myst, and another friend used to have a system where we would go to the movies all the time and every time it was a different person's turn to pay for snacks. That was always the person who had some excuse to not go (That we dragged anyway)
I didn't think she was like that in the beginning. I liked her in the first book, she lived her entire life to keep her family alive, volunteered for her sister, and was a great anti-capitol protagonist during the games. Then she kind of started to suck. I'm kind of glad the love triangle was by the wayside. It's better that it wasn't the focus of the book. I didn't really care about it. It was like that for most people in District Twelve, the rest didn't have it that bad. Gale is more collected, but I still think Katniss did what she could for her situation. Katniss wasn't always thinking of her problems, she always related them to what was going on with the Capitol. For instance, Spoiler when she is concerned that she isn't good enough to be the Mockingjay. At first it seems like a simple issue of self esteem, but she is legitimately concerned that she is going to ruin everything.
Regarding Katniss's likability... you have to understand her situation. It was far from ideal. She acknowledges from the very beginning that she is not special, or a particularly great person, but she's thrust into this situation where tons of people hold her up as this amazing hero. Just imagine that...you've lived a depressing life and have very low self esteem, and then that happens. Emotionally, it must have been very confusing. Part of why Katniss's character in the books seemed so blocked-off is because she was. Ultimately, Katniss was relatable in many respects, and she did the best she could with what she had, and in the end, that was all she could do. Think about it for a second, over the course of the three books...what could she have really done better? What should she have done different? Not a lot. She did her best. Ultimately, this story was not about Katniss, it was about Panem. So the fact that Katniss was pretty much a massive сunt starting from the second half of the second book didn't really bother me, I cared more about what happened to Panem. Also, the author was forced by the publishing company to dramatize the love triangle. Which I was also pretty much indifferent about.
Turkey burgers <3
Let me say this as a bisexual. I hate the use of the term "Homophobic". That word is idiotic, and should be wiped from the dictionary and everyone's heads. As for people that don't like homosexuals, whatever, you're entitled to your opinion, just don't be an ass. It's pretty much that simple. Just like as a bisexual I'm not going to scream my opinion at you.
If it was stolen from "Cirque Du Freak", it would have said "Ridiculously stupid and condescending cop-out ending".
OH MY GOSH I did not realize how completely off pitch I was I am so sorry xD Everybody else did great though and I love this video, nice job guys
It's not an excuse for hack protection. Once I've bought my console or game, I should be allowed to do whatever the Hell I want with it. Once I...
That was hacking into the Playstation Network, it had nothing to do with the actual console.
Define "Malicious intent". Improving the console is not "Malicious intent".
Doesn't look like it. To make an AR, the system has to be hacked. People have been trying to hack the 3DS since day one, and nobody seems to have...
Kind of not possible when you need that to block and dodge roll
That was really, really fun. I cannot wait for this game. As fun as Flowmotion is, I'm trying to get No Damage on this boss and it's making it really hard because I keep going into it on accident...