know how ya feel :(
just curious who is goin 2 what grade so yeah i'm goin 2 eighth grade how bout u?????
yeah i hate that cuz i'm goin to 8th grade now and da 6th graders always thing they're all cool and all i mean sure i was in 6th grade but the new ones just seem so much worse :(
sora cuz he is like da main character and he is hot lol :P
yeah i agree with soku cuz no offense but i thought u were a girl *hides face in emberrassement* sowwweee
of course not!!!!!!!! :P well its bad but like u said not dat bad i guess whatev sharpay is waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy 2 full of herself
school isnt that bad is it?!?!!?!?
I thought it was a girls name :P
who doesn't hate hw it just wastes time when u could b doin better things
dat is da brite side 2 goin bak 2 skool seeing my friends well only one since the other one is goin away *glares at sora 13*
yup 4 real i totally agree cuz i wanna b a fashion designer and i noe science class aint gonna help
yeah probably lol that just made me laugh iono y :)
lol yeah i don't rly mind da leaning since dats da whole purpose of goin to school but some teachers can be extremly borrrrrrrriiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggggg
well i use to play it like 2 or 3 years ago but then iono i got bored of it cuz i wasn't rly good and it was weird so i stopped playing but its not rly bad but it isnt rly good either i'd say its a so so game
awww dat must rly suck :( Well I wish you the best of luck at your new school :D
mkay i'm just curious which one of u pplz who replied in this thread gave me rep sayin berries are tasty ?!?!?!?!?!
well like the title says what is your least favorite thing about going back to school?!?! For me is getting use to a whole new schedule and having to put up with two wannabe ******* :(
August 28 for me not rly lookin 4ward 2 it :( i don't think anyone rly looks 4ward 2 school
mkayz.............*just shrugs and listens to song*
hmmm umm mkay congrats on having a fangirl :D