lol anyway poor you just 4get bout it and think bout yummy and scrumptious cupcakes :P
my lang arts and reading teacher is soo mean she seperated me and my friends just cuz we were talkin sign language to tell each other what we got on out pre test hmph stupid teach * kicks chair and pulls hair in rage*
its pretty cool but i had a bit of trouble reding the letters otherwise its awesome :)
i feel stupid cuz pplz always saying its gay and for lil kids but then i just start to tell them off cuz kh is an awesome game and although it may be to low for them it is way cool for us kh fans
poor you *givs hug and cookies * woops sry :P
the carpal tunnel of love music video and i was very grossed out but it was highly amusing what do you think???? waa waa waa no one has replied hmph *pouts and leaves 2 get cookies*
this is my lil brother , me, sora 13, and my neighbor frankie i actually rly like this pic :P
OMG that is really good i like it wish i could draw like that :)
lol same here
lol that is funny
I'm sure there have been many posts on this but anyway i'm just curious to know what kind of music you like and who is your fav band???? I like punk rock ro alternative rock and my fav band..... not sure way 2 many to list right now
I absolutely love their song the Great escape and dat midnight one is cool but yeah they're a cool band hey i like welcome to my life too xD
WHAT?!?!?!?!!? that is all i'm gonna say * walks away quietly*
no i didn't but like sora 13 said he already saw it and didn't rly care but was curious to why i had it and cody is dj danger mouse
nope and it looks painfully so i hope i never do brake a bone poor you * gives cookies*
Okay everybody i gotta get a few things straight k? i have cody as my avatar cuz i bet against sora 13 and lost and I DO NOT LOVE CODY!!!!!!!!!! ( no offense cody but i like hardly know you so don't take it the wrong way) Whatever happens to my profile this week just please ignore it cuz its all part of sora 13's dirty plan so yup sry bout it all and a big sry to cody 2
Hate You!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I Don't Like My Profile !!!!!!!!!! Hate U Hate U Hate U Hmph!!!!!
hmmm dats hard cuz i've watched a billion so i'm not sure p.s I DO NOT LOVE CODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i would bring a notebook, pencil, another pencil, grapes, and an eraser :P
I guess that if sora or roxas weren't in it i'd cry or if sora or roxas were ugly how superficial am i ? lol :P