lol yeah it was gross but yeah cute cuz da tree friends just make it cute and all :P
ummm idk i because i'm a girl just go by who is hot cuz dey both rly cool game wise and stuff so idk i'm gonna go with its 2 hard !!!!
awww poor u that must rly suck * givess cookie*
well iono it was stupid of her but its kinda hard to believe something like that like 4rm her iono its just weird
OmG i absolutely LOVE it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
yeah its kinda weird cuz i use it too and many ppl say its illegal yet every1 noes bout it
OMG that is so freakin adorable awwwwwwwwwwwwwww :P
yeah we do it in winter time and sell like gifts and stuff
how come u were saying that they were the same
i was bout to tell u off cuz i rly like sora but once i read the thread i was like ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh mkays but iono cuz i havent played kh2 yet :P
its so weird how much commotion a condom can make lol
thats what was funny bout it though no they're two different ppl
okay for all of you people who were bugging about not having cody's permission i just asked and he doesn't rly care so there :)
today at lunch this one kid brought a condom and den all da guys were like eewww what is it and dis one guy put it in the other guys shirt and he took it out and iono how but it started ripping and it eventually like dropped and fell on da floor and all the guys were like eeewww and me and fall_out_girl were just laughing and den some smart kid threw it away and was like eewww i had to touch it and it was rly nasty cuz me and fall_out_girl were eating but it was hilarious cuz da guys were all acting squirmish and stuff
when did this happend and how come i didn't know?!?!?!?! * looks outraged yet not really cuz i'm fogetful*
lolz love the rainbow colors :P rofl
hey welcome to the site hope you enjoy it cuz its rly rly fun its sorta become my life but yeah just read the rules and post A LOT mkays? See ya around the site :P
ooooooo so its like all different stories hmmm.......i thought it was like whole long story idk the first few ones i guess iono cuz i didn't know each one was a different story i thought it was all one long story
hey whats up? welcome to kh-vids just read the rules and post a lot well you don't have to read ALL the rules but just behave and you'll stay clean :)
mkay i probably sound like a total dork and what not but i've heard about final fantasy A LOT but i really never bothered to check it out can any one tell me what its about and all like give me a brief intro or something please???