ima give u rep 4 helping me out cuz i was like so lost and once more THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
hmm.. iono it really depends who makes it i think maybe spagetti ( yeah i noe i spelled it wrong ) not sure i luv italian food and mexican food but i've in the mood for spagttie lately so yeah i'd say my fav food is spagetti
all rightie thanks
ohhhhhhhhhh mkay sry 4 being so stupid :(
mkay i finally understand about the whole game and yes i agree that its a definite pick up because i have a ds and its so cool that there will b a kh game 4 it
cool he does :)
mkay so its like the same plot and stuff just like new stuff on it ??????
oh yeah woops i got confused cuz after that there was a vid with the cover of kh3 but pplz were sayin it was fake ( am kinda confused)
so its officially gonna b on PS3???
and its 4 DS rite??? cuz i have a ds and i can't believe i didn't know bout it either but better late then never mkay so i know its a new game and i noe der is one 4 dis other system but like wats it all about i'm way confused i thought it was gonna b KH KHCOM KH2 and the new one they're makin KH3 some1 plz explain cuz i'm extremley confused :(
i cancelled my cuz it got quite boring after a while and i had also been introduced to kh-vids which i found better but even though myspace is quite awesome ppl will eventually get tired of it mkay i noe i just said that myspace kinda sucked but after like seeing all of da thread i had da urge to make a new myspace but i'm gonna try not cuz den i'll get hooked :(
i probably sound stupid but what is kingdom hearts 358/2 ???????????????????????????????????/
its happened 2 me but like hardly
no but it sound hilarious can some1 gimme da link?
that would be so awesome but like usual the pplz who make it would screw it up like they've done 2 so many great things
yeah i kept hearing bout it and i was like hmm i should check it out so my friend celeste let me borrow it and at the beginning i was all like huh? after bout 20 min i felt like takin it out but i was like oh what the heck it could get better i'm so glad i kept watchin it cuz da ending was rly sad :(
yeah its a pretty cool movie and cuz i'm such a sucker 4 romantic films i give it 2 thumbs up :)
hmmm i don't know but i mean they probably do cuz dey get all old and start 2 dry out but idk cuz dey aint like plants that dry out and bye bye ......... dat is a good question i think i'll ask fall_out_girl she knows all about this
mkay i just saw the movie Moulin Rouge and i thought it was pretty good although quite confusing in the beginning it gets really good because of the drama has anyone seen it??? what did you think of it???
umm i don't know try fall out boy or boyslike girls they're rly good