I have like no idea and yes it is a hard question
havent seen u in like 4ever wow ur like bak yay
Easy would you rather be stupid but rly hot or ugly and incredibly hot???? and u can't pick hot and smar =0
oh and don't say that again because sora 13 doesn't appreciate it =P Happy Sora 13
ROFL hehehe hilarious =D that made my day
haven't heard of it but what channel is it on like fox abc mtv etc and i'll check it out :)
mkay *shrugs* thanks ? and I'm rly rly rly rly SORRY 2 =D
no its habit and who cares i'll go to starbucks or whatev iono i think i'll get a cookie instead
i made this thread to get unbored and i'm even more bored silly thread hmph *crosses hand across chest and stomps away to get a frap*
wow i didn't know about this new member in the organization sounds rly cool though and hmmm her power not sure bout dat one
mkay i'm often bored and go on to get un bored but i sometimes end up getting more bored so this is officially the No Boredom Hangout and you can do anything like pretend its a bar or a store or whatev da point is make it interesting so when bored people go on an read the thread they get unbored so dats it :)
mkays then
I"m so confused what the u talkin bout?!?!?!!?!?!?
sry 2 b late bout it but mkays u left oh well
HELLO PPL this isnt fun its boring so POST!!!!!!!!!!!! pwety pweez * goes on knees and does cute face*
what store i say hot topic what bout u guys btw i'm still open 4 other places :)
yay ur on :)
anyone wanna go on a fake date online :P or can somebody iono just talk to me or something cuz i'm SOOOOO bored !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hmmm........depends are you good cuz if u are upload me da vid por favor :)
yeah i don't watch it at all but i've heard of it and seen small clips of it and it looks like it'd b a rly good live action movie