Agumon is the best, but that wargreymon though. Also Data Savers is pretty good too. They're all good.
Soooo, has anyone listened to Hamilton.
When none of that applies to you :( I wanted money too
Valar Dohaeris
Trick question, it's Eliza.
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?
I finally read Game of Thrones by G.R.R.M. and it was way better than I though it was going to be. The world and the characters were thought out so thoroughly and it has and interesting plot.
Happy Star Wars Month: Day 24 !!!!
FFX-3 confirmed
Wear the hood, be the Rider lol :P
Wear the scarf, be the Rider
Has anyone else seen the Flash and Arrow Legends of Tomorrow crossover?
They also said Scarlet Witch is on Cap's team (which can be assumed) but I'm not sure if they said what side Spider-man would be on but I guess it depends if they're following what happened with him in the comics. Spoiler: Super Neat Cap Team gif
AHHHH!! Yes, this book is so great! It connects to the Percy Jackson series in a way but it's so different. The best part is the sarcastic sign language. It has a really good story, too."
I read Of Mice and Men for school and I didn't think I would like it because it looked short. It was amazing but it was very sad. I also finished a book Called Firefight by Brandon Sanderson which was a sequel to Steelheart which is a book about certain people gaining abilities after a meteor crashes into the earth.
Some days I think Wow it sure would be cool to have snow for once life. Other times I'm like nope, no thanks. Snow = Really cold and I can't handle that. ;n;
Transistor or Child of Light
Red, Red, Red - Fiona Apple