When you're too broke to donate a dollar =_=
If you listen closely you can hear my heart shattering
Hatoful Boyfriend is so sad omg. I thought it would be a happy game ;-;
So do gummi ship junkies smoke and get the high off of gummi ships or are we just enthusiast/hoarders. What is my purpose?
Three days for Hyper Light Drifter!!!
View attachment 44388 Spoiler: For the classy folks View attachment 44389
There's a secret khv assassination squad that kills threads
the moment when the audience cheers as soon as Wonder Woman appears she's pretty neat
Sharing is awful.
Yeah,there isn't a lot of stuff where I live so I doubt I will get very many pokemon unless I go to downtown Houston, but going there makes me sad cause it's so crowded.
Has anyone taken a member's old name before?
I read Antigone for school which I thought was actually pretty interesting but everyone in my class thought it was boring and didn't understand what was going on. Maybe it was the translation? Anyway it'seems a tragedy by Sophocles and I would recommend it.
I'm so ready for this game. Especially how the whole gym thing works with the differnt teams and everything. This will probably drain phone battery life fast though.
It was the temp this morning. I want my 80 back.
Spring starts and it's 46 degress ;-;
Does anyone else play Bleach Brave Souls?
I don't have enough money to deal with this ;-;
I was literally not ready for anything at all ×.×