I don't like when boys drool over me, sry bb
You're a little off there, but close enough. I feel older than most, though.
I like being young, I wouldn't trade it for the world
So did you consummate it or not?[DOUBLEPOST=1379214373][/DOUBLEPOST] Speak your mind freely, I shall protect you from their evilsss
A true woman never shows her age~
Oh look, it magically appeared. I wonder who made it...
Brings me back to my Wolf Haley days
They'll probably ban me again, oh lordy So this is platonic?
>Not fully voiced >Next gen console Why the fuck don't we just put KHIII on a PS2 and call it a day then?
The sexual tension between the two of you is far to abundant for a children's forum, you two need to just go have sex somewhere already and skip all this public flirting.
this is one of the main reasons I actually DO like Korra, because as cringe-worthy as she is, she's more like a realistic teenager than most characters. She tries to be mature and make her own decisions when she really has no idea how to and it backfires and she's gonna have to learn from it. I just hope the entire process of her learning from it is good, and doesn't feel forced or rushed or anything.
Korra is a dumb ass biitch and her father needs to whoop that ass. Seriously she makes nothing but bad decisions. Also Mako needs to get back with Asami cause Korra is a lame.
Mega Mewtwo X further solidifies my already very solid decision to buy X and not Y. Mega Mewtwo Y looks like a fuckboy
Oh hey look it's me, reanimated in the pink. I'll tell you all about my adventures later.