am I really the only one trying to figure out how the hell you didn't know your own age?
Do nothing. I didn't place the people on that track. Their deaths are tragic but if I save them I can be convicted of knowingly making the choice to kill the other man.
hello fellow trashbag, its good to see a familiar username around. KHV Summer 16 is looking very promising these days, I must say
The day has finally come
Oh, I love unboxing videos!
Jaden Smith is a musical gem
>says he found her >does not show us c'mon guy you know how this works post her picture on a website for strangers without her consent like a normal person
I feel like we all gave up on the series around the same point in time. Good ol' KHV fam. Please put me out of my misery and ban me for like the fifth time
But I have to say this Spoiler I own every single KH game in the series except that Unchained X crap but I've only beaten two of them Those are KHII and KH3D I didn't like any of the other games' combat systems enough to complete them other than those two an BBS and I never beat BBS because I was impulsive and bought it in Japanese instead of waiting for the English release All my knowledge comes from google I've been lying to you all for years Take me away now
Insert joke about your old username and the word virgin here
wow almost everyone is dying, its like you all have finite life spans or something.
I'm not sure what you're saying but ooooookaay "If he dies, he dies" - a character in a movie I've never actually seen
I actually typed up a little paragraph but then had to leave and didn't post it but I copied it but then I came back and copied something else to send someone and now the paragraph is gone and apparently it was saved to my drafts but I don't know how to KHV anymore so basically all I wanted to say is you're the Batman to my Joker and you did your ****ing thing while you had the reins. O Captain! My Captain!
That movie is gonna be all of the flame emojis
was expecting a picture of a trash can but this works too
@Misty do not get into Yung Lean plz 01. Conversations With God - Charles Hamilton Man, this dude used to be my favorite rapper from like 2009 to 2013 but then he went insane and started releasing extremely lo-fi music that was completely unlistenable and also he's kind of a shitty human who insulted one of my friends so I then started a riot on his facebook page. Good times. He made an apology video after that and mentioned me by name. This used to be one of my early favorites of his actually.. Such a heartfelt song. Haven't heard it in years and it brings back memories of my teenage years. Fuck dat shit. 02. Responsible - Lyle Horowitz A beat on a beat-tape made by a good friend of mine who I met on the internet and then met in real life last year and have hung out with in NYC and LA having great adventures with. I have lots of random beats in my iTunes. 03. Wild'n Cuz I'm Young - Kid Cudi One of my least favorite songs from my favorite Kid Cudi album. I don't listen to Cudi anymore because he's a fucking ass who also insulted one of my friends last year on twitter and then deleted the tweets BUT WE GOT DEM SCREENS CUDI. Fuck em. 04. in the air - Lux Natura Another instrumental. This dude has been one of my favorite producers as of late cause he makes beats that sounds like being lost in the woods and I take my favorite ones and write songs to them 05. LevelUp - Samuel Truth Another beat. I'm starting to think I have more beats than songs in my library man dis shit brazy. My friend and I used one of this guy's beats and made a dope song and video and then a few months later Hypebeast used the beat for a Rae Sremmurd promo and we were just like 06. Monster Zero - King Geedorah I have never heard this song/instrumental in my life it came in the MF Doom complete discography I pirated 07. 12 AM (The Text) - K1ng Eljay An instrumental my friend sent me as a reference for a song he's working on. Wow I really have more instrumentals than songs, its official. Someone airdrop my some music with words plz 08. Do Somethin' - CRASHprez A song my friend made back in 2013 about the continual murder of unarmed african american youth. Dis shit real mane he was ahead of his time, gon peep that video and also I think I have more music from my friends than I do music from other people I've never met. 09. I'm In It - Kanye West Ft. Assassin & Justin Vernon THE LORD YEEZUS BLESSES MY SHUFFLE AW MAN ITS LIT. This song so vulgar its insane but the production and vocal effects and flows on this are so wild that I don't care. You heard this beat? YOU HEAR THIS BEAT FAM? THIS PRODUCTION IS MENACING AND THE SAMPLE THEY FLIPPED FOR IT JUST MAKES IT EVEN MORE CRAZY! AND THE JAMAICAN DUDE THAT COMES IN SPITTING THEM ISMS!?!? AND JUSTIN VERNON OF BON IVER SINGING ON IT!?!?!?! FAM! THIS SHIT BRAZY! THE CHOPPED UP SCREAM????? WHEN I FIRST HEARD THAT I LOST MY MIND MAN GON PLAY THIS LOUD ONE TIME FOR THE ONE TIME IF YOU NEVER HEARD IT, ITS A JOURNEY. 10. Pipe Dream (Demo) - @Melvin Burch Oh look another instrumental. Melvin is one of my best friends and worst enemies and it would be his damn beat demo that comes in to fuck up that hype after hearing I'm In It peace y'all I'm out