Ah! Konichiwa, Tina_^_^~ I am Star_Seeker. Pleased to meet your aquaintence. If you need any help, give me a call. ;3 Enjoy your stay...
lol Arigato~ Thanks! You should! >:O I <3 it! 8D (I'm not familiar with the character though... Oh, the irony...)
Hiya familia~ How are all of you peoplez? M'kay, so, I just finished watching Ouran High School Host Club. LOVED IT! I just had to draw Tamaki Suou, so I did! You like? :3
Agreed. I totally loved Timeless River! It gave me a good taste of the cartoons way back in the 1930's, and seeing all the characters in 'old school' form was so cool!
His name is definetely Xehanort.
............. *is speechless* W-where did you hear this?! I need proof! >:O @ Jap: I absolutely love that! It's so epic and depressing... I simply adore it... My favorite part is the photos; they're so nicely detailed! *_*
Can't you just post a link to your picture...?
8D *eats cookie crumblies* ... ...I'm bored. How do we get out?
NOOOO! That's it! >:O I'm coming in! *is captured by the pokeball as well* Hello, Oblivion... X3
*places party hat on the pokeball* ...Do I get a cookie yet? 8B
T-T I...I... *sniff* I...just wanted to joke around... I'm...sorry... WAHHHH! *checks to see if oblivion is watching* Woe is me~ I hate my life. *slits* If only I had a cookie...
DARKCLOUD has successfully caught MYOBLIVION! *triumphant music* Do you want to nickname your newly captured Pokemon? XD
Hope I'm not too late... ^^; Name: Heaven Played By: Star_Seeker Keyblade(s): Doesn't have one yet. She's got a medieval claymore, though. Personality: Quick to anger, arrogant, and tends to put herself before others. But as much as she might deny it, she has good intentions and is sincere in what she does. Picture [Please Post Link To Big Pictures]: (I'll get back to you...)
*splits cookie in half and gives one half to oblivion* 83
Yay~ lol, Thanks. :3
Aiya! Must...clean...dirtiness...is...unacceptable...! *cleans prints on the wall and windows* Ahh, the sweet embrace of cleanliness... Much better. :3
Could it have something to do with Birth by Sleep? They said Disney is involved, and the war with the Keyblades might be what King Triton meant by 'Keybearers bring destruction'. That's my guess~
You're an inspiration to us all, Oblivion. X3
Hello thar, george~ Welcome to KHV! You know the rules, so have fun! ... I bet I can guess your name... B3
OOC: Let's see them, DarKnight. ^^ BIC: "Tch, size is not an issue here..." Vex muttered, scrutinizing Selorian. "Erm, thanks. What are you thinking about...?"