Oooh, is that it? How do they do that? Thankies. ^^
I has a question~ What are Referrals? Does anyone know? D: *noob moment*
Of course I'm right! I'm always right! >:O lol, jk. >.>... *steals apple*
You guys, listen to Rosey. >.< I don't think this site's going to die, I just think these past few days have been, you know, "one of those days". With the holidays, eveyone's probably just stressed out. It'll all pass soon enough. ^^
I'm going to guess that the place in the last Birth by Sleep scan is the Seven Dwarfs' house, you know, from Snow White? It looks pretty small, and it is located in the middle of a forest... >.< Thanks for these, Xaldin! I can hardly wait for those games! >:O
First of all, I'm going to assume Organization XIII planned out the times of their attacks. They didn't just wing it and attack people when they felt like it. The things they did before the Demyx battle was probably all they needed to do at that time. All the while, they were planning something much bigger that they would carry out in good time. The reason Organization XIII wanted Sora to help them was because Sora could slay Heartless and release the hearts that would form Kingdom Hearts, which the Nobodies needed so that they could gain ultimate power while also regaining their hearts. The regaining their hearts part isn't so bad, but the gaining ultimate power part is definitely bad. Did Sora want the Nobodies to win? No. That's why he refused to cooperate with them, even though he had no choice but to help them with part of their plan. That's also the reason why Sora had to get rid of them; he may not have wanted to, but it was his duty as the Keyblade's chosen one to eliminate any threats to the worlds. I don't know about you, but I'd consider Organization XIII a serious threat. Which brings me to my next point. Can you imagine what would happen if Xemnas got his way? If his plan succeeded? If Organization XIII was never destroyed? Xemnas stated himself that with Kingdom Hearts' power he would create a new world. Would you want to live in a world that Xemnas created? I wouldn't. Or, like Ansem the Wise said, Xemnas' plan would ultimately end in destruction. Whether you sympathize with the Organization or not, what they were doing was wrong, and they had to be stopped. If killing them would make them stop, then so be it. It's just how war works, like it or not. Roxas (with his other purposes) and Axel realized that what the Organization was doing was wrong, and so they did the best thing: they walked away from it. Compare it to saying "no" to drugs, if you will. ;3
I pretty much like all the books I have to read as assignments. The most recent one I read was The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. It was really good and I learned a lot.
I saw it a few hours ago. IT ROCKED! >w< I totally loved it. The songs were amazing and they're still stuck in my head. The actors/actresses were... too talented for words. It was a little predictable, but you hardly notice. I was laughing through about a third of it. I really want to see it again! ^^
Hello thar, BLUEMEY~ Welcome to this here KHV! =3 Plz read and follow the rules, post lots, etc. If you need any help, contact me via PM or ask a mod. Have funz! ^^
Donald's reaction command (the fireworks one... I forgot the name) really helped me.
^ They're those users with the colored usernames. ^ Back on Topic: Axel chose to die. He was willing to do it if it would save Sora/Roxas. It was really noble of him, if you ask me. =3
I'd like to be remembered for doing something in writing. Like being a famous and respected author (and illustrator) for young readers, or something along those lines. I've always considered doing something in animation, too. =3
Hello thar, Ole Miss Rebel~ Welcome to KHV! =D Plz read and follow the rules, post lots, etc. If you need help with anything at all, PM a mod or I'd be happy to help as well. ^w^ Have fun!
Terra is Terra. I'm sticking to that. But I do think that Ven's name is Ventus, and 'Ven' is just a short alias. It actually makes a lot of sense, if you think about it. 'Ventus' means 'Wind', and I remember reading that Ven was known for his speed. Terra = Earth Aqua = Water Ven(tus) = Wind ^ His name also completes the pattern. ^ That's my guess~
Hello thar, StormAndLightning13~ Welcome to KHV! This should come in handy with your dilemma: Read and follow the rules, post lots, etc. If you need anything, PM me or a mod. All right? Have fun! ^^
I didn't even know Cure existed when I first beat it, so there you go. -_-; Potions and Hi Potions are just as good.
Hello thar, Roihu~ Welcome to KHV! =D Some of us are from America, but a lot of others are from the UK, Australia, Germany, etc.; it's fun. And don't worry, the more you're around, the more you'll learn. Read the rules, it'll save you embarrassment. If you need any help, PM the mods or staff (users who aren't normal or pink), m'kay? Have fun! ^^
Hello thar, raglflagl~ Welcome to KHV! =D Remember to read and follow the rules, post lots, etc. If you need any help, PM a mod (or me). Enjoy yourself and don't get into trouble, m'kay? >w<
Is it too late to enter? 'Cause I've got an entry... Heartless Name: The Nameless Nightmare Description: It's the only Heartless of its kind; it's a Pureblood, so it doesn't have the emblem. It was the product of an experiment gone wrong by Xehanort. It looks like a wolf engulfed in shadows, with a purple aura always present on its front paws. It has sinister yellow eyes, like that of other Purebloods. Special Abilities: Its most unique ability that it has is that it can enter people's minds and give them horrible nightmares (usually with their worst fears) that drives the victim's brain into miserable turmoil. Battle Style: If the victim is strong enough to resist the Nightmare's ability, they will be drawn into a battle, where the Nightmare will attempt to finish them off personally. The battle will take place in an area of the victim's mind where the Nightmare already has complete control and advantage. It normally fights with the "hit and run" tactic, where it will slash at the victim and back up a few steps. When the victim actually puts up a fight, it will bring out more of its power. It can use the aura on its front paws to cover itself in complete darkness and hurtle itself at the victim (after it performs this attack, it has to rest for a few seconds, which is the perfect oppurtunity to attack it). Attacks: Dark Uppercut (a swift and powerful slash attack) Phobia Cry (releases a paralyzing howl) Final Farewell (said dark hurtle attack) Picture(s): Pic 1 & Pic 2
Xemnas was fine with me. He's the big bad boss of Organization XIII, which makes him the perfect final battle. Beating down the head of the operation makes the whole evil scheme fall apart, y'know?