Hiya! ^_^ Lucky! We started school last Thursday. I mean, what was the point? We could've started today too... T~T Same here! I'm totally different when I'm at school! I'm actually rather introverted... XS Aw, you can't mean that! School can be fun, too! I dunno. I always thought home schooling lacked the experience you get from being at an actual school... But that's my opinion... Great! ^^ But don't over-work yourself. Stressing ends badly. D: I don't think that, Oblivion. I think you're a very talented artist. No lie. Don't worry about it. It'll be interesting to see through your point of view! 8D
Hi thar, KB~ Welcome to KHV! GFX designer, huh? I can't wait to see some of your work. ;3 Have funz, okay? ^^
Hiya family~ Coco! I've been wanting to tell you that you look nice in red. 8D I'm working on a Twilight Princess drawing right now. I'm gonna use my Prismacolors I got for Christmas! :3 How are you all? ^w^
XD I don't care. That's fine! ^^
Hanami facepalmed. Had these people been listening at all? "I told you earlier, I'm looking for a professional in finding lost civilizations!" she turned to Xegreny, "So if I help you write this paper whatever, you'll find one for me? Great! Let's get going!" *** Weapon: Kunai l Armor: None l HP: 100 l MP: 6 l Gil: 0 Writing: 0 l Synthesis: 0 l Forgery: 0 l Level: 0 STR: 5 l DEF: 7 l MGC: 6 l MDEF: 6 l EVD: 7 l HIT: 8
Hanami sighed, she really didn't have time for this. As she was getting up to leave, an idea struck her... "Hey," she said, turning to face everyone, "If I help you guys, will you help me? It's vital that I find my professional!" *** Weapon: Kunai l Armor: None l HP: 100 l MP: 6 l Gil: 0 Writing: 0 l Synthesis: 0 l Forgery: 0 l Level: 0 STR: 5 l DEF: 7 l MGC: 6 l MDEF: 6 l EVD: 7 l HIT: 8
OOC: Yes. Cell phones are importantz. :B D; It's 9:00pm here... No fair... BIC: "Thanks," Hanami muttered, scrutinizing the group that was now gathering around, "but no thanks. You see, I'm on an important mission! I don't have time for your commoner chores! I'm looking for a professional in finding lost civilizations. You know any?" *** Weapon: Kunai l Armor: None l HP: 100 l MP: 6 l Gil: 0 Writing: 0 l Synthesis: 0 l Forgery: 0 l Level: 0 STR: 5 l DEF: 7 l MGC: 6 l MDEF: 6 l EVD: 7 l HIT: 8
OOC: I really like that Jordie! It reminds me of Easter. XD *is jealous* BIC: Hanami nodded at the stranger while taking her things from him and continued to collect everything. After she finished, she scanned the area, "Let's see, is that everything?" she thought out loud. She noticed her cell phone lying on the ground nearby and practically dived for it. "Godesses forbid I lose this!" she sighed, clutching the device and finally looking at the stranger, who said his name was Tera Roth. "Nice to meet you. I'm Hanami, and that's Arrow." she replied, pointing at her dog who was perched next to her, staring at Tera intensely. "I guess I should thank you for helping me, huh?" *** Weapon: Kunai l Armor: None l HP: 100 l MP: 6 l Gil: 0 Writing: 0 l Synthesis: 0 l Forgery: 0 l Level: 0 STR: 5 l DEF: 7 l MGC: 6 l MDEF: 6 l EVD: 7 l HIT: 8
OOC: Hi Destiny! :3 That sounds good, DarKnight! BIC: "Who knew adventuring could be so... difficult!" Hanami exhaled. Her and Arrow had traveled all the way from Star, and they'd made it to their first destination: Core. "Hm, well, first things first. I'll admit that I can't find Obsidia by myself, so we need to find a professional or something to help us, right?" she looked at Arrow, who nodded in agreement. "Right. So, let's look around and see what we can find!" The two partners pushed and shoved through the crowds, it was like swimming up a stream. Finally, the wave of people had carried them to a building that looked promising. "C'mon! Outta the way! Let me out; I'm more important than you!" Hanami shouted as she tried to escape the crowds. She lost her footing and tripped, and the contents in her bag, which she had obviously forgotten to close properly, were now sprawled around her. "Oh no!" she squealed as she quickly got up and started to pick her things up. *** Weapon: Kunai l Armor: None l HP: 100 l MP: 6 l Gil: 0 Writing: 0 l Synthesis: 0 l Forgery: 0 l Level: 0 STR: 5 l DEF: 7 l MGC: 6 l MDEF: 6 l EVD: 7 l HIT: 8
OOC: Thanks! ^w^ Alright, I haven't RPed in a while, but I'm ready now! >:3
I don't know you, so it's nice to meet you! :3 I hope to see you around! ^^ BTW, I <3 your sig and avy!
Yay! You've made my day, Oblivion! :3 *dies of excitement*
OOC: zomghaiorion. I know. I got carried away... ._.; True. x3
Aw, geez, so sorry for my absence DarKnight! I've got my profile ready. Yes, I realize how long it is. Shorten it if you want. ^_^ Name: Hanami Lanayru Age: 14 Weapon: Easy-to-handle Kunai Background/Personality: Hanami was born into a fabulously wealthy family. In fact, hers is one of the richest families in Genesis. Her parents are always working (or bossing others around), so she barely ever sees them. She also has somewhat of an obsession with candy, and is almost always seen with a lollipop in her mouth, the candy she is particularly fond of. When she’s not with her private teachers, she spends most of her alone time in the personal library of their mansion in Herta, or Star. One day, she stumbled upon an old book about the legend of Obsidia, and decided that she wanted to see this place (and she must have what she wants!). Therefore, triggering her secret plan to join the search. In appearance, Hanami is 4’9”, not a bad size. Her blood type is AB. She has dark purple hair, light purple, innocent eyes, and a delicate, youthful, yet strong build. Don’t let her looks deceive you though, she has an unyielding will and a strong heart. She has a playful personality , but due to her lack of experience in the “real world,” she is also snobby, naïve, and over confident. Despite this, she has an amazing intuition and is quick to learn new things (when she wants to). Starting Post: Hanami quietly crept out the back door and into the black void of midnight. She’d been planning this for months; this was the much anticipated moment. She was heading off on an adventure. Her adventure. An adventure so secret that she had told no one except for a select few. And it was beginning now. Her memory raced back to this morning… “I honestly can’t believe you’re doing this.” Her older brother, Haruko, mused. He too had a desire to search for Obsidia, but his studies kept him grounded. It was thanks to him that Hanami was even confident enough to go through with this. Even though he was against her ambition, it was he who had arranged lessons for Hanami, to learn martial arts and how to fight with kunai. “I’m tired of waiting! If I want something exciting to happen, I guess I have to act.” Hanami replied absentmindedly, she was mostly focused on packing a convenient carrying bag with supplies that she would need for her ‘adventure.’ She’d even had her new outfits, designed by only the best designers, made specifically for comfort and fighting. Ever since she’d learned of the fantasy land of Obsidia, she hadn't been the same... Well, maybe not, but she was different. Haruko glanced at her from the corner of his eye, “I admire your determination, but like I said, I don’t think you can last out there by yourself. You aren't used to not being catered to all the time.” Hanami ignored his comment, “I won’t be alone! I’ll have Arrow with me.” Arrow. Hanami’s trusty wolf dog/bodyguard. “And besides, I doubt I’m the only one searching. I’ll find someone who has the same intentions as me and go with them. Don’t worry bro, I’ve got it all figured out!” “Let’s hope so. Oh, I almost forgot,” Haruko reached into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone, tossing it to Hanami, “if you need anything, I’m only a phone call way. Even if I can’t go with you, I’ve got your back.” He smiled and winked at her. Hanami was overcome by her emotions and affectionately embraced him, “Thank you..., for everything, Oniichan.” The young girl’s thoughts rushed back to the present: she’d just said her tearful (at least for her) goodbye to her brother, and was now leaving the gates of her sanctuary, Arrow loyally by her side. She looked ahead into the night and took a deep breath. As far as her parents knew, not that they cared, she was heading off to camp. But the fun she could have at camp was blown out of the water by the exhilaration she felt now. She grinned and stuck a lollipop in her mouth. This was going to be the journey of her lifetime.* Profile Pics: Hanami, Haruko, Arrow Starting Statistics: Strength: 5, Defense: 7, Magic: 6, Magic Defense: 6, Evade: 7, Hit: 8, HP: 100, MP: 6 Yeah, I think that's it. Tell me if I forgot anything!
Yes, I believe that Roxas sees himself, but in his Organization XIII coat.
Hello thar, Heather~ Welcome to KHV! Have fun and have a happy new year! ^_^
I prefer Sora. To me, Roxas doesn't seem suited for it.
Hello thar, Neozeru! Welcome to KHV! I'm shy too. You and I should get along great. ^_^ Have funz, okay? BTW, I love your avatar!
Hello thar, Riku 45~ Welcome to KHV! =3 Enjoy yourself. ^^
OOC: ... Hi DarKnight! How were your holidays? 8D