Yup. I've been working on school projects nonstop for the past few days... I'm finally done with the worst of it. It really did a number on me... I'm looking forward to getting a good night's sleep tonight, since I've had to stay up really late recently...
*yawns* Hi family... :sleepy:
Welcome to the forums, Dragon of Darkness! Yep, you seem to know how things work around here, so I'll trust you. :3 Have fun and post lots, okay? ^^
I became a fan in 2006, I believe, right when KH2 came out. I figured if Kingdom Hearts was good enough to get a sequel, it was worth trying to play. I'm sooo glad I did. ^^
Nice to meet you, Exiled~ (I like your username. :3) Welcome to KHV! Since you've got experience, I won't bore you with details on the rules... Just follow 'em. xD Have fun and post the AMVs you make so we can see them and help you improve. ;3
Aw, bye bye Oblivion! You'll be missed. T~T We'll take good care of the family for you. You just keep reachin' for those goals of yours... And be sure to tell me all about Japan when you finally get there! >:O Good luck to ya~
This is what I look like: As for anime characters, I'm probably the most like Mikuru:
Hey thar, Larxenegirl101~ Welcome to KHV! Plz follow the rules and have fun, okay? ^^
Hi thar, NaminElly! Welcome to KHV! :3 Follow the rules and enjoy yourself, okay? See ya around! ^^
IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZURZ!!! I love that! x3
Hi thar, PaopuDragon! Welcome to KHV! The others have pretty much explained the basics, so I guess all I can say is it's nice to meet you! As for your problem, it's already been answered as well. If you need any more help, just contact a mod/admin via PM! x3 Have fun, and I'll see ya around! ;3
Hi thar, Josh! Welcome to KHV! :3 You're a firefighter? ...Sweet. Have fun and follow the rules, okay? See ya around! ^^
Hi thar, dialgataffy~ Welcome to KHV! :3 Plz follow the rules and try to stay out of trouble, okay? Have fun! ^^
I had only briefly played KH when I saw a preview for KH2. So when the preview mentioned something about Sora having Drive forms, I assumed Roxas was just a Drive form, since they showed a scene with him afterwards. When I first played KH2 and realized that Roxas was not Sora, I thought that Roxas was just the next chosen weilder of the Keyblade and Sora had been abandoned... It was when Sora came back into the picture that I became utterly confused. I finally figured out who Roxas really was much later. >.<
o_o; Y-yes ma'am... Yeah, I think I'll get started on it. I have an idea of what I want to draw... ^^ Recon FTW: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=40632 *salutes* Understood! *begins to plot the course* . . . . . . . *googles how to make a plot course*
Welcome to KHV, Allstargamer~ You seem like a really nice person! ^^ Remember to follow our rules, okay? Have fun! And good luck with your fanfic! :3
Hiya family~ Ugh... I've had a bad day... I need to draw something! >w< And what nice rules they are, Coco. x3 I'll do my best to follow them! lol, you mean Saix? Aye aye, Captain DC! >:3
Oh yeah! Now I remember! Yes, they are called Aerial Blades. I have a guide as well. :3
Hi thar, keyblademaster1300~ Welcome to KHV! ^^ Plz follow the rules and have fun! :3
The Force of the Jedi. >:3 lol, jk. I don't think they have a name. I believe they're just referred to as lasers... >.>;