lol, Learning the original Hare Hare Yukai is on my agenda! XDDD Good luck!
*randomly pops in* January 1st ^-^
OOC: ^^ All right, I've got it written up! PM me if you want to see (and most likely revise) it. Have a nice day/night/whatever. =3
Okay, sounds good. I'll write it up, PM it to myself, and keep it at that until I get permission to proceed towards the actual thread. That way, anyone who's not me can step in and do whatever they want. Yeah Star, good plan. Thanks Wing, that helped a lot! ^^
OOC: Oh no, you didn't offend me at all, Wing! I apologize if I made it seem that way. You made perfect sense and pointed out the mistake I was afraid to admit that I did. ^^ I'll make the thread if you want, but I need someone to give me the 411 on the plot, rules, and requirements.
lol, Yes, I know. I wasn't thinking ahead when I realized how much Heaven, Vexneah and Vexen conveniently had in common, so I thought I'd just add him in there to make their pasts more interesting. Wow, I was an idiot... *facepalm* But I've learned my lesson and I don't want to make things more confusing than they already are. @ Nul: Nope.
*eats french toast* Oooh, I've got toast and DITH doesn't! *taunty taunt taunt* XD
Hm, apparently. XD OMFG YESH!!!!!!
OOC: Somewhat. Vexneah's mother makes an appearance in the Olympus Coliseum tournament we had earlier in the UO, right? That means she's alive. But how can she be alive if the members of Org. XIV die? Also, if she was a Nobody, then I doubt she'd ever be able to get married, which she obviously does.
lol, ish French! :P
*huggles back and licks uber giant lollipop* MERCI BEACU EVERYONE! ^-^
OOC: Sorry, let's see if I can explain my thoughts... Well, if our characters are going to die at the end of the RP, then how can Heaven's mother have been able to get married and eventually become a mother? Mind you, if she was a Nobody, then wouldn't Heaven have been a Nobody as well? And since Heaven has Vexneah, that eliminates the possibility that she's a Nobody herself. Are you getting it now?
OOC: Merci beacu everyone! ^-^ Thank you! And ch'ao DarKnight, your drawings are amazing! *_* Do you all really think I should make Vexneah's mom my character? I mean, you know that would make her Heaven's mom too... And Heaven's not a Nobody... Do you see where I'm going with this? Of course, I wouldn't mind doing it if that's what you want! ^^;
OOC: Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't been here. My birthday's today, so I've been a little busy with that. ^^; I love all the drawings/Gaia pics you guys did! I'll post some of mine when I can get to them. =3 With said business, I haven't had time to create my Org. XIV character yet. -_- But I'll get right on it when I get the chance (I've got a good idea already). So, anyway.... Yeah.
Ouch... Well, I guess some people have it, and some don't... Sorry. T_T
OOC: ^-^ I thought so too. Her personality will definitely be different, but deciding how different is the hard part.
lol, funny. X3 Fortunatly though, I'm really good at staying quiet and being light-footed! I barely ever get caught! =D Practice your technique~ XD
OOC: I'll work around that. ;3 I'm thinking about making a character that's equivalent to Vexneah, but they won't be related or anything, and there will be a few differences. Or do you think that'd be too boring?
Me too! But unfortunatly, my bedroom is right above my parent's bedroom, so if I move around, they'll hear me and chew me out. DX