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  1. Star_Seeker

    Ima back!

    Jaxed! You're back! :D
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Star_Seeker
    The only bosses that intimidated me were Organization XIII. When I first played KH2, I dreaded knowing that I'd have to fight them sooner or later. But when it got right down to it, I enjoyed those battles the most! Oh, and even though Sephiroth isn't really a boss, he intimidated me as well. >:

    The boss battles are always the most fun, though.
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Star_Seeker
    Hi thar, VaKh87~

    Welcome to KHV!

    Please read the rules and enjoy yourself, okay? If you need any help, you can PM a mod (members with red, green, purple, or blue usernames). ^^

    Have fun!
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. Star_Seeker
    If you like action/adventure/humor, read the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson. I really enjoyed reading them. ^^
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Literature
  5. Star_Seeker
    My Nobody name is Disnalxy. I like the sound of it. ^^
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 13, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Star_Seeker


    Yes. Bamboo. >:3

    Hiya, Marlu[XI]a! Welcome to KHV!

    I love your username, it's so clever! I never realized that Marly's number was in his name... lol.

    Yeah, follow the rules... and all that...

    Have fun, and I'll see ya around! ;3
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 13, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. Star_Seeker
    I really love Axel, but I don't think he should come back. Like the others said, if he came back, it would totally ruin the significance of his sacrifice. The fact that he killed himself saving someone he cared about leaves you with a completely different perspective of him, and it makes you wonder if all Nobodies are truly heartless. If he just came back after all that, then what was the point of creating a touching death scene instead of the scenes where he just acted like he died again?

    If or when there is a KH3, it would be cool if he had a camio or if we actually got lucky enough to see his Somebody, but he shouldn't have any other important roles to play now. Under the slim circumstance that Axel actually does come back, it probably means that Nomura's got something seriously BIG up his sleeve...

    I think the biggest role Axel has in the future is his character in 358/2 Days. I'm looking forward to it. :3
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Star_Seeker
    Exactly why it's so funny! XD
    Hm, it does sound good. When I find the time, I will definitely look into Code Geass! I can see where you get the Death Note concept. x3

    Yes, Romeo x Juliet is also completely worth a looksie! ^3^

    lol, hiya Pirate, heya Saint. :3
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Star_Seeker
    Hiya Jap!

    lol, Yes it is. xD

    Oh? I've heard that a lot of people on this forum are watching Code Geass. Is it good? I might just check into it... >:3

    Actually, I'm watching Romeo x Juliet right now! It's one of the most beautiful animes I've ever seen! The anime still kinda follows the play's plot, but since it's anime, there's more fantasy and epicness added in.

    Here's the opening sequence. I absolutely love the song in the beginning! It's called Inori, and it's the Japanese version of "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban. :3
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Star_Seeker
    I bet it was! They even had kissing scenes?! Wow. :3

    Thanks! ^^ The same to you! Good luck with any future plays you'll be in! :D

    Yeah, I definitely want to be in a Shakespeare play one day! I hope you do another one too!

    So, have you watched any good animes lately? x3
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Star_Seeker
    lol I bet you did... XD
    Lucky, it sounded like fun!

    Ah, I bet Beauty and the Beast was so much fun! I would love to act in Disney play... :3

    This is the first play/musical I've ever been in, so I was surprised when I actually got a good part... ^^ You're right, NS, I like the involved feeling!

    I've always wanted to act in a Shakespeare play! Especially since I just finished watching Romeo x Juliet (the anime)... *points to sig*
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Star_Seeker
    Dane Cook... :rofl:
    That was a good laugh. xD

    The play we're doing is called HONK!, Jr. It's basically a funnier version of The Ugly Duckling... XD

    lol, Your plays sound fun too!
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Star_Seeker
    Oh... Good luck with those! :B

    I'm in a play too. Well, a musical, actually. That's what's been taking up so much of my time! :wacko:
    I've also got a few tests as well. And I've got quite a few projects that I've got to work on... So tiring... :sleepy:

    That's great! ^^

    And hello~
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Star_Seeker
    Aw, nighty-night Demi! (I hope she's not sleeping on LS...)

    *huggle-glomps Destiny* I know! I've missed you guys!
    I've just been so busy with school... >:

    Glad to hear it! ^^
    Anything new with you? :D

    Oh no! That does sound bad! I hope your friend got home safely too, Nobody's Shadow! D;
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Star_Seeker
    *gasp* DESTINY!! 8D *ish tackled* Last time I checked, the ceiling was up! xD How are things wit j00?
    Oh. Yeah, sitting on someone by accident is totally common... I understand... XDDD

    *huggles back*

    So, what's new? :3
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Star_Seeker
    Oh, Chaser, it's beautiful! Thank you so much!!

    Good luck with your partnership with VGN, btw. x3

    Thanks again! ^^
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  17. Star_Seeker
    lol, Hey Demi! ^^

    Whut? Did something happen with La Sofa...? o.0;
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Star_Seeker
    Hi guyz~

    How is everyone? :3
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Star_Seeker
    Yeah, Anti-form really is interesting...

    I too believe that Anti-form is the manifestation of the darkness remaining in Sora's heart after he became a Heartless. Unleashing the Drive forms' power triggers said darkness, making Sora become Heartless-like. In this form, Sora has the advantages of a Heartless, like speed and the power of darkness, but also the disadvantages, meaning he can't heal or use reaction commands or Keyblades.

    Like ICSP said, Anti-form was probably thrown in there to prevent Drive spammage, because if using Drives were that simple, the game just wouldn't be as fun.

    This is a good topic, though. Good theories. :3
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Star_Seeker
    Hi VGN~

    May I please get a sig too?

    Render/Stock: Click <--
    Text: Forbidden Love
    Anything else: Just do your best. :3

    Thanks in advance! ^^
    Post by: Star_Seeker, Feb 9, 2008 in forum: Art Shop