Oh fff you accidently'd that screen pretty bad D8 hopefully those costs will be covered though since you said it was a school laptop.
Haha, it is xD it's Persona 3 Portable, the original Persona 3 was for the PS2 (I think?) but I don't have a PS2, they made a portable one for the...
I've been alright for the most part 8D and wooo vacations. Glad to hear things have been going well then c:
Hello 8D how have you been?
Well you play as a transfer student who just moves in to a city in Japan, and you find that at 12 there is a time called "the dark hour" where for...
Haha, glad you like it xD it's Fuuka from Persona 3 (since I've been quite obsessed with that game)
:Awesome: .
Aww D: sorry to hear that
Not much xD been playing Persona 3 Portable. You?
Indeed D8 guess that's what you get for playing with fire...works unfortunately.
Thank you c: bawk bawk How have you been?
Indeed :'D aw yeah
Aww that's unfortunate D8 and he should get an eyepatch then, how classy.
Auugh oh god that sounds awful D8 that must've hurt
Not to answer for Sforzato, I just wanted to reply with my opinion, I think it changes with the person. It depends what you're looking for in the comic. If you're looking for humor, then it really might start right from the beginning, you might never find it humorous, or you will enjoy it anywhere in between. It's hard to judge that way I think. Maybe some time into once (if) you start finding the humour more to your liking, then you'll grow fond of it and get into the comic. If you're looking for a story, then the real "exciting" parts that people tend to get hooked on it seems are after the first few acts. Many people give up on this then because they don't want to waste their time reading acts of what they believe is pointless or boring. That's fine, I mean I was a bit bored myself until then but I personally was hooked early on. The first few acts are the foundation of the story, mostly how it works, introducing the main kids, introducing the idea of the trolls, getting the game started, showing the exiles, ect. But the real action that people tend to start enjoying does start around Act 4 I believe. For those who don't like Homestuck until then, some people skip to Act 4, some people stop because it's not worth the time to them, and some people grin and bear it until it gets to where they like it. It's all up to you and if you really want to get into this comic or not. If you're looking for "those gray skinned candy corn aliens" and nothing more, well uh, that's the first part of Act 5 where all of the trolls are introduced. It is the story of their session and (not to spoil anything) how it is tied to the kids' session.
I almost didn't write something up because I'm lazy :'D but I do that for every thread so I decided I'll type a little something up. I was going to type a very general summary but then I realized I'd mess the entire thing up probably because I SUCK AT EXPLAINING EVERYTHING.
I personally really enjoy Homestuck, I'm pretty fond of its humor but everyone has different tastes. The fanbase has a bad reputation, and sometimes the fanbase does actually ruin it for me a bit. But if you can find the right people who enjoy it for what it is, a webcomic, and don't act all elitist in that they "understand the humor/plot" more than you or "that you're not intelligent so you just don't get it" which I think is ridiculous, then you can appreciate it together which I find nice. Homestuck itself is pretty long and if you really don't think you'll like it, then you don't have to put your time into it. It's not suited to everyone's tastes, which is perfectly understandable.
Yep...and fireworks everywhere suddenly D8 do not want
That's good then :'D
Approve 8D