(In no particular order) 1. Harry Potter (I want to be a wizard, sigh) 2. Pokemon (Yesss) 3. Okami (Especially because of the places you go) 4. The World Ends With You (Maybe as a Reaper? Iunno. I don't think I'd want to play the game as a player over and over for the hell of it.) 5. Persona (Shooting myself in the head all day every day) 6. Team Fortress 2 (Being able to fight with a team and die endlessly? Dunno. Well I like this game so I would probably find it fun.) 7. Homestuck (ANYONE WANT TO JOIN MY SBURB SESSION IN THE AFTERLIFE?) 8. Minecraft (Yay building) 9. Animal Crossing (Yep) 10. The Legend of Zelda (Adventurin')
I cried so much during this movie ;_; the flashback with Snape and Lily especially. Once the credits started though, man I haven't cried for a movie ever like I have for this one. ALSO (not to spoil) a certain two characters who ended up together which never happened in the books made me so happy.
H3H3H3 W41T DO3S TH1S M34N 1 4M Bl1ND NOW >:?
I wish for all the best, tummer, I'm sorry you have to go through this.
I only saw it earlier today too. I'm alright with it.
Woooo :'D
Not a problem c: congrats
Ohhh god that does suck D8
I mean, I haven't played too many Kingdom Hearts games, and I've played a few Final Fantasies but... My favorite game by them is The World Ends With You xD; dunno why I'm so fond of this game but I really am. I've never played Parasite Eve honestly.
Fff D8 well I'm glad to hear you'll be fine then~
Mike, gintasthebest, jojoj13, NeoRoxas, The Lone Wanderer, TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees, Spaze, K'nuckles, KingdomHeartsFanGirl7952. Woo @ The Lone Wanderer, Dalk, and Spaze BUT OH GOD GINTA HELLS YES Edit: Added a comma between Dalk and Spaze because THAT **** BOTHERS ME
Oh lord that's a lot of cavities D8 I've never had one haha, I'm always so scared that I'll have one every time I go to the dentist. ...and I'm going tomorrow D':
Yep xD
I probably will enjoy it more as the female too, even though I'm a girl I'm doing a playthrough as the male protagonist first because it's the...
Ffff ;_; hopefully the reaction won't get worse than your tongue being numb? 'Cause that would be bad D8 how long does your reaction usually last?
Don't be jealous of him earning crackers by winning races.
Rarely on facebook ever. And forums technically are a type of social networking site in my opinion.
It depends, the friends I have offline are all different really, some of them are the type that never talk to people online ever and would think the idea of having online friends as "them not being real", others are more into video games/computers and therefore have online friends too (and even then some are still wary of online friends) so maybe if they ever got MSN I'd choose a select few. I also tend to act different irl than offline too, I'm mostly really easy to talk to online but irl a lot of times I'm more quiet and a tad bit awkward. I'd need to make sure they'd get along and understand each other though, otherwise inviting them might just be awkward. My online friends wouldn't mind anyway if I added someone I could guess knowing them but it just depends on the offline friend.
Haha, it's alright xD no problem :> And Vriska icon yay