You jumped on the bandwagon. I am dissa- Wait... is that a retro gameboy startup screen in your sig? I approve this thread!
Well I guess you could say... They're on the web. [Size=+1]YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH[/SIZE]
Uhh I'm not 100% sure on this but that may only be with cases that have legal issues i.e. the subject wishes to remain anonymous or the report on the study has not been approved or finished. I'm doing first year university psychology and not once have I heard the phrase "Do not tell people this person's name." Everything we look has been approved be some board of PhD owners. I have heard of a guy who has had only a few minutes moment of memory who I can't remember the name of (funny that). Unlike Clive he had full knowedge of his condition. As a coping mechanism he decided to keep a journal to update his memory of what he was doing before. However he would think he wrote something down wrong. For instance in the morning just after he got out of bed he would start a new page and write "9am. Just woke up." A few minutes later he would cross out that entry and update it with a new time until he got fustrated enough to stop writing it and move onto trying something else.
Haha! As of today I have had 856 view on my profie XD And because that number is so awesome I shall perform a magic trick! You will respond to...
My oh my... So many stereotypes in this thread. That's the thing about gaming I guess. A lot of stereotypes. If it's any consulation I do not treat any girl gamers differently. I am courteous to all. However I will say two relevant things about gamer stereotypes: Girl gamers who play FPSes are stereotyped into being hardcore chicks who are likely to reteliate due to the harrasment. And Girl gamers who play RPGs are stereotyped into being more effiminate chicks. These stereotypes explain the actions guys make towards girls. For FPSes the guys who are pricks think "Ooh! A girl! She must be hardcore and hardened against harassment because she's playing CoD! Therefore she won't mind if I hit on her!" My advice for those who get a hard time from these pricks is to fight fire with fire or so to speak with witty comebacks whilst you prove that you are just as good at gaming as them. As Sabby said it shuts them up. For RPGs the many people find that the guys are more polite. I'm pretty sure it's because the guys aren't getting adreniline pumped times.
Actually I would like to take a different approach in therms of my answer. Firstly I would like to question what the conditions are of the memories being changed. Do I know that the memories are fake? Do other people have new memories as well? Or is it just me? If I knew the memories were fake and it was only me who had the fake memories then I wouldn't change them at all. Same for if eveybody had fake memories - regardless if they knew or didn't know that they were fake I would still know they were fake and I don't think it would sit right with me. And if I thought the memories were true and it was just me it wouldn't be too long before I found a contradiction when I'm talking to somebody. However if everybody's memories were altered and we all thought that it was a real memory then I would probably change a few minor things However I would keep my milestones regardless of if they are good or bad. Milestones are major points of our memories. So yeah. That's how I would approach the question haha :P
There is no official explanation. However my theory is that... And that's about it methinks. However it's never been truly explained and so it's just up to WMGing. I also think that if Aqua's gift worked once why couldn't it work again? Eh?
Seriously I hated this DLC. It laked work. Usually I like Valve's decisions, and the voice acting that comes with it. But the only non-scripted event lines were "Jockey!" "Charger!" and "Spitter!". It sucks when you pick up adreniline and your character says nothing. It sucks when instead of saying "Laser sights here!" your character just says "Look!". And there are no comments on the uncommon common infected like the other survivors make. If Valve could get the voice actors in to record the scripted lines and support the new special infected then why couldn't they get them to support the other new features? It's not like the coding isn't in the game already. It just felt half-done because of the missing support for the features L4D2 has. IMO the people who downloaded for the original L4D game didn't get the short end of the stick, because it still feels like a completed game.
Peter Molyneux Speaking. /thread :P Yeah they are moving away from RPG clichés - you can tell how much health you have in many ways. For instance the world loses it's colour more and more as you get hurt. When there's no colour at all you die. Alternatively the action get's slower and slower until just before you die you are in bullet time. Or maybe the actions you make appear to be as if you are tired. Unique touches which are interesting for the players as they have to adapt can help make (or break) a game. Nonetheless whatever option Lionhead picks we will end up having to get used to it.
Chuck Norris is coming for you.
Yeah I get what you mean about acting from those ages. After I left secondary school I was like "Now wut?" In terms of acting. Although now I know...
Oh yep. Yeah? When did you act? lolol My favourite part was when you said "If you're not him then you'll probably be wondering what's going on" or...
I'm really looking forward to "realism" mode that is optional which adds a factor that makes your character more human... For instance amunition actually has a weight so you're going to have to probably not be carrying so many guns. And if you don't eat and drink everyday you get debuffs. I think that this is a really good choice to implement, because Fallout 3 was very well done in terms of the realism, however the fact that you could go days without eating was drew away from that. Does anyone know if the Vegas will have radition regardless of the fact no bombs hit there? Because Atomic bombs do have a large radius of spreading radition poisoning compared to their blast radius...
Oh yep, do you sing a certain part? Or are you too kewl for parts? I starred in a play like that once. It was called courting 101 Yeah if you...
Horray for singing! :P Yeah. If only when we spoke we had a little "Edit" button haha. Dozo yoroshiku. D: Not mah dA! I did get a message from...
So now that the truth is out... What are we gonna do? D:
Hi guy's what's happe [ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!]