Am I right in saying that 386, unlike the other numbers can correspond to more than one thing? Or am I wrong and my theory is completely stupid? Regardless 373
So if you were to get a B+ overall whats the worse that could happen? Honestly, expectations of greatness are nice, but cheesy statements like these trump them every time.
Tell them things didn't go as well as you'd hoped, but you passed and that's what matters.
You want a code to be put into an oven?
Agreed. I remember thinking the old man who blocks your road to the forest before you can learn how to catch pokemon was a fish. EDIT: View attachment 25601
Oh no... Kh-vids genealogy. It's places like these that go around the entire essence of man's will. And it's on this boarder that you might just cross.... Into the Twilight Zone.
I was expecting Jigsaw to be all like "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US" in this thread... I played alter-ego a couple of times recently, I'm giving it a break so I don't recognize the decisions for a while. The highlight of one of my lives was when I tried to get into an arts school after winning a competition for a scholarship there, but my parents were too butthurt to let me go :|
Do you moisturize?
Being a hipster used to be fun. Then everyone started doing it so I've gone undeground and now I'm this thing that you've probably never heard of before.
Can I has a theme and character? D:
I think there's a doctor for this kind of thing...
Too soon P.
Anyone remember Y2K? And how it was going to be the end of the world at midnight... and then it was 12:01 and nothing happened? inb4 signature too big EDIT: Check out my dubs get yo
Any guys up for a new MS Paint adventure to coincide with my return? :lolface: Or do you guys think the whole idea's a flop? And if you want one who should it be about? Edit: Holy crap episdes are awesome. Spelling mistake due to tiredness.
No... I didn't have much interest in politics in 2001. What happened so I know what action Obama is being referenced to in the original post?
It's like you're making these worsd up on the spot... What or who is Duodecim?
Hell no, it would just be fanservice serving as [insert that nerdy perverted japanese sub-culture name I can't recall here] fodder.
Hold up hold up.... I meant were you refering to the Torah in Hebrew? Or are you refering to a modern translation? Because what I was meaning was that I haven't read the Hebrew Torah, so I wouldn't know what it has to say on the subject of progress. So what you're saying is that science waters down spirituality in a nihilistic and fatalistic way?[/QUOTE] Science in itself isn't to blame. Moreso, it's people who persecute for whatever reason those seeking enlightenment which makes some people give up and show nihilistic and fatalistic idealogies as they don't know what to believe, but usually it's just a bit of doubt and that usually doesn't make people say "It's all pointless!" permanently, if not at all. It's just usually one of the arguments that is brought up in the prosecution is "THERE IS NOTHING BUT SCIENCE!!!one!!!!!4" Which is ironic in the sense that athiests are often prosecuted with "THERE IS NOTHING BUT GOD!!!five!!!!!!6"