You have that many KH pics? o.o Intense...
Dance Factory. My dad got it for me when it came out, but it turned out to be so lame we just returned it. xD;
Yeah, I kind of figured that wasn't exactly what you wanted. Oh well. Glad you at least liked them. :> Lol, sorry I don't have any plain GIFs though. Xp
Well I was raised Catholic, but growing up I've sort of just dropped religion. Personally I can't make any sense/be bothered with it. I'm never really sure what to call it, perhaps Agnostic? Anyway, I just don't think of myself being part of a religion at all.
Yep, I posted mine back on page 248. :3
When they dropped the original cartoon animation style. I mean no offense to anyone, but what was going on with Enchanted? I'm not saying it was a bad movie, I just prefer the older style. It seems like Stitch was the last decent one. Ever since that came out, movies have been made for the entertainment of the viewers, not the value of the actual story.
Demyx Perfume? What's this all about? o.o
I saw the trailer a while ago. Despite certain things such as Edward's actor being nothing like how I pictured him in my head, I'm still very psyched for this movie (The BellaxEdwardxVan scene looks amazing). Movies very rarely do a fab book justice, but I'm a good fangirl and will most definitely be seeing this when it's released.
This movie is filled with so much love.<3 Double check on the soundtrack as well.
The final battle with Xemnas and his lazar beams. I got screwed over so many times at the very end.
I'm here... but will probably be kicked off soon. ._____. Hello invisible ceiling sister. ^^
Sora: And then we can go see Santa! --- Setzer: Hey. Rucksack. I probably laughed more than I should have at those quotes. xD
Sora for sure, he's just so adorable in my opinion. x3 Although, I do also have a lot of respect for Axel.
Okay, here are a few of the good avys I have. xD Lol, hopefully that's what you meant by gif. But I wouldn't be surprised if you already had all of these. xD
I'm having a spectacular day! :D But it would appear I'm the only one. ;<< I'll shall look through some of what I have. Though, it's very likely you already have the same ones. xD;
Are you looking for ones as avys or sigs? I might have a few avy gifs saved on my computer.... ._.
Hang up. They'll figure out the line's gone dead sooner or later.
Well you could always go old school and draw on a rock tablet. ;D Jk. xD I want one so bad too. ;~;
Hmm, I dunno. I'm not really familiar with Vista any products like that so I couldn't say. xD; I've heard rumor that Apple might come out with one, but it's still only rumor. x_x I'm not really sure which companies do make them though.
I think having a tablet would be pretty much the coolest thing ever. *3* Now if only Apple would come out with one...