:D *Glomp attacks everyone in this herrrrr thread*
(: I wouldn't dwell on it too much. These sort of things happen all the time. Actually, my childhood best friend and I are no longer on speaking terms. (We don't hate each other, we just have nothing in common) Friends come and go. Not to be pessimistic, but if things don't work out with your best friend now, you'll probably find yourself with a new best bud sooner or later. :3 And if you want to draw it out, maybe you could make a bunch of separate drawing, each focusing on a specific emotion you have on the issue. Then you could get all your feelings out~
o.o White text ftw. What's up?
I don't get out until the 18th. ._________________________.
Oh no, I haven't actually been keeping track. xD Check your profile out. It should say your join date somewhere above your post information.
Thanks guys. :3 My time here really has been such a blast. Everyone is just so lovely~ Here's to another rad year ahead.
Another one year anniversary thread! *Slapped for being inactive two months post registration*
I'm not sure who all those other posers are, but I vote Misty~
Oh wow. I've always been worried something like this would happen to a member here... ...I just hoped it wouldn't. I never really got acquainted with Soku, but I know he was amazing. I wish comfort to his family, and may he rest peacefully.
The bitty little Shadow Heartless. They're just so darn adorable. x3
I love Destiny Island. But I do also have a certain appreciation for Traverse Town and Hollow Bastion.
Dearly Beloved and Passion are tied for me. They really are such great songs. I even had Dearly Beloved as a ringtone on my cell for a while. x3
Xigbar all the way, Saïx just creeps me out. That, plus the fact that Xigbar's fighting strategy seems to be more effective. Plus his lines in the game make me lol. Plus he's rad.
They're just faithful to a fault I guess. Or maybe they just automatically assumed Mickey was up to undercover work.
I prefer heartless. They seem to have a greater variation of style. Nobodies are cool and everything, but there were so few types in the game. Although... the Organization XIII members are rather rad. << But I digress.
I like fighting the dragon heartless in The Land of Dragons. Kind of a random one, I know. But meh, the wind tunnels were fun addition to the battle.
I find it highly unlikely. Coincidences like that are rather shocking and confusing, but coincidental just the same. I myself have been bombarded with random French influences lately, yet I have no connection to the culture. I don't even speak the language yet for some reason or another it keeps popping up at odd moments in my life. It's weird, but most likely just a coincidence.
I will beat you. D<
Do it.