In short: We're planning a bubbly attack on Saint and discussing hot bods. Nothing too weird. n_______________n
You should. All the Spartans are very nicely... built. o.o
Lol, 300. I like... the dudes in that movie. >>; *girly sigh*
Yep, it's still there. Just rather tiny.
Can't wait till he returns. Fool won't even know what hit 'em. >D
<< >> When he gets back we need to dump a bucket of cold water on him. /Plotting demise of stench If I've told him once, I've told him a thousand times. RESPECT THE COND--*shot*
Oh I know what you mean, what a stinker! Dx And what's this all about him getting pregnant?! Honestly, show some self-restraint man. >: OMG don't hurt us Saint, you know we <3 you. ;3;
Quick! While he's not here we should talk about him behind his back! Sooooo, that UnSaintly Saint dude.... << HE LIKES MEN D:
Mebeh... o.o Is it really that obvious? xD;
REVIVE! Okay, so. Seriously, I'm sweating glistening like crazy over here.
One time I fell off a table. Now I have a lightning-bolt-esque scar beneath my lower lip.
Heck. No. People I know that are 16 are hardly capable behind the wheel. Reckless driving seems to be a big issue with teen drivers, lowering the age seems to be reckless in and of itself if you ask me.
She lost it after she was... absorbed into Sora. Or whatever you want to call it. << Sora, can you feel me, inside of you? Okay, sorry sorry sorry. I'm done now. ;3;
Er.. no. I'd let them deal with their pride in peace. <<
Kairi. I'm very much like her. In both positive and negative ways. xD;
I'd want to see Reno. But that might be slightly problematic considering him an Axel share the same voice actor...
NOT A BIGOT. ^Due to a certain someone I have to deal with at school, I find this very important. Other than that I'd like someone who: - Can tolerate my shyness and bring me out of my shell. - Can appreciate my personality just as much as my appearance. - A strong character, boring people aren't exactly appealing. - As for appearance, I like boys of the emo-looking variety. << BUT, that is simply a preference. I try not to be too picky.
English and Latin (to an extent).
I'm pretty sure I've matured some in the last year. I can see it as more apparent in my online life compared to my... offline life. As far as I can tell, I've grown quite a bit on the internet. I feel more aware of things these days. Looking back at old posts I can see how out of it I really used to be. As for offline, I think improved would be a better term for what I did in the past year.
My first appearance on a list!<3 Those were rather entertaining to read. x3