Have fun on vaca sis! Keep safe and bring back tons of stories~
^ I'm getting a 10 vibe right there.
. <3
Indeed. I've been a proud whore for the past half-year.
That'll be an interesting combo. o.o Kiwis are pretty awesome though so it'll presumably turn out rad. I just got back from Freshmen Orientation for the college I'll be going to next year. It was such a blast! The orientation leaders (current students who were set in charge of groups) were hysterical. I've never seen anyone so intense about the school they're at. xD;
You are ever so helpful<333 @coco: That drawing is ridiculous. I'd love to give you a CnC, but sadly, that is something I fail at. v_v I'd probably just start going on an on about how godly your works are. I shall spare you though. x: xD<3 So, what's up with everyone? :3
Dang, I just missed Mom before her leave. Dx Aye aye on the contest though~ *Drags up quote* Okay, I keep hearing about this Bleach movie and I am so lost. Would anyone mind explaining this to me? <___>; I tried looking it up on IMDB but no luck.... Even a small link would be much appreciated. ;_; Oh, and I fam. x3
Oh snap, it just got hot in this thread right hurrrr. You know, what with the monsters catching on fire and such. o.o
Yes theme, GOGOGO! Demons say wut nao? o.o; Oh, you can be my motivation of other sorts. ;D Ahaha jk~
I used to need to switch from page to page really fast. It sped things up a heap when the sigs weren't taking up time loading. :3; Yessss, do another. I need motivation. D:
I don't know...... º––––––––––º Lawl, I used to have it at 40. I also used to disable people's sigs, too. << Ahaha, soap anyone? ;D
What do you have your posts per page set as? o.o Oh, and.... Hai! (>º∆º)> . . . famileh ^wtf o.o
Oh look. We're twins.
∞ That is all.
I visit Wisconsin often, but that's not where I reside. :d
B| *Parties*
Hey there Saint, I got something for ya. >> << *Prez.4.U* *Omg I know that it looks sad, pathetic and rushed, but whatevvvvv. Dx Btw, the original pic is of a little boy. o.o Don't shoot mehh<3333 D;
I wouldn't be too sure...
Connecticut is going through a heat wave right now and it's almost unbearable. D; But it's a good thing I like being warm, totally beats freezing my appendages off. ;D
If he did die, then I'd just have to resurrect him. >\ THEN we can proceed with the water throwing! :D