You know if your build is causing problems then maybe you didn't build a very good PC. Ummmmmmm Dark Souls' online uses Windows Live You can't disable Windows Live because that's how you PLAY THE GAME ONLINE! If you don't wanna play the game online then just don't log into Windows Live. Trying to disable Windows Live on DaS is like trying to disable PSN on the PS3 version. Just don't log in. Otherwise it needs it to play.
So then which is it? As I am now or as I was?
Do I have the Skill? Yes Patience? Yes Desire? No, I've already made one. Why would I have the desire to make another one? Funds? No, I currently don't have the money to make another PC
Well in that case no since I've already made one
They don't, but that's not what I was arguing in the first place. I was saying that if there is a superior version coming out at a later date then wouldn't someone who's invested into said game take THAT option as their first experience? This was under the assumption that a superior version WAS coming out at a later date no doubt about it. 1. Read posts above you 2. Console games nowadays require you to install them 3. But you know if your console doesn't run a game then you're pretty much boned right? IE there's almost nothing you can do to fix it.
This is a bit of a loaded question. Are you asking if I have Skill, Patience, Desire AND Funds to do all that? Or are you asking if I have one of the 4?
What makes you think the later versions can't have more story? Resident Evil 4 on the PS2 features an entirely new playthrough as a completely different character ALONG with new weapons, items, etc.
What makes you think I'm exclusively talking about PC ports? I was talking about later and superior versions to a game. Like the PS3 version of Eternal Sonata being superior to the 360 version. If you don't CARE about how you play the series then wouldn't that mean you're not as invested into it as you may think? My PC cost around 500 and has been going strong for years now. You really shouldn't be going above 650 for a PC otherwise you are wasting money. Also if you are invested into the series wouldn't you want to play the game in it's most refined form so that you get the best experience possible? If you just wanted to get to the end of the game then yeah who cares what version you get But if you really want that superb experience then shouldn't you wait a bit more?
It's a Zero Punctuation joke. Don't take it seriously. In terms of cost strictly speaking a PC WOULD be cheaper It may be a plus but it's an incredibly minor plus in comparison to everything else. Getting to play X first is nice and dandy but when X:Upgraded version comes out later on then don't you think it would've been cooler if you go to play THAT one first and not your not upgraded version?
While the urge DOES pop up every now and then At the same time I'm DAMN sure one of me is enough for this universe When I vamoos outta this world I wanna take everything with me preferably not leaving anything behind.
I'm worried about what your opinion on women is if BIG TITTED = Sexualized And yet you still continue to ignore every other country churning out over sexualised female characters What makes you think it's not disproportionate in Japan? Because a few games you cherry picked just happaned to fit your qutoa? What about the tons that of popular Japanese games that DON'T? You don't know what you're talking about I'm not even being rude here, you actually don't know what you're talking about. First of all 1. Duke Nukem did not fail, financially it met its requirement. 2. Duke Nukem DID however receive negative reviews due to the fact that it was a BAD GAME! Not because "huuur, it's concepts are outdated" but because it sacrificed a lot of what made Duke Nukem 3D good for watered down game mecahnics. Duke Nukem 3D had vast environments, filled with secrets and all kinds of nooks and crannies that would take a few playthroughs for you to discover. It also allowed you to hold an onslaught of weapons as opposed to Forever which only let you carry 2 at a time. BUT YOU WOULDN'T KNOW ANY OF THIS BECAUSE I DOUBT YOU'VE PLAYED EITHER DUKE NUKEM 3D OR DUKE NUKEM FOREVER YOU ARE LITERALLY MAKING THINGS UP! SEE!? YOU'RE DOING IT AGAIN YOU ARE MAKING THINGS UP Alex Ahad has said his artstyle is mostly a deriviation of the Scott Pilgrim style, hell he even had his artwork placed IN a Scott Pilgrim volume before "B-BUT, SCOTT PILGRIM IS ANIME INSPIRED" Do you see how silly this logic is? You can trace all KINDS of things back to anime, it doesn't make your point any more valid. And the characters I posted are from recent years as well, what's your point? Do you even know what the top selling game in Japan this month is? This Harvest ****ing moon A game about taking care of a farm. But I bet you don't even know what Harvest Moon is And you know why? Because it's not sexualized therefore you don't hear people ranting on about it. You people make such noise about everything bad but then when something GOOD happens you go "Oh that doesn't count". It's called HUMOR Duke Nukem is not suppose to be mentally stimulating or a social commentary on the nature of man It's the a letter to all those cheesy 80's action movies like Rambo and Predator. It's mindless entertainment Believe it or nor not everything all the time has to be intellectually stimulating, some people like to turn thier brains off every now and then and just enjoy things. That's what action movies do, that's what hyper violent movies do. Don't like em? Well that's your thing. But they have thier place in society. We don't need everything trying to be some sort of Catcher in the Rye bastion of storytelling. People play video games for different reasons. Why the hell not? If people wanna play a game about rape then let them play a game about rape. People should be allowed to make video games about absolutely anything that they want. Whaddya wanna do? Make a law that states "Games that involve rape should be banned"? Do you realize the ramifications of something like this? Game about rape are already socially unacceptable. If you go to Japan and start talking about your experience with Rapeplay people aren't going to think you're a normal person. What more do you want? Also FICTIONAL CHARACTERS cannot be exploited because they are NOT REAL. Are you blind? The only skin being shown in that picture is some of her leg. But it DIDN'T In the past reporting rape wasn't socially viable. It was embarassing and something people generally avoided. Nowadays that perception has for the most part changed, it exists in some doses but people actually REPORT rape crimes in this day and age. It's not that people started raping eachother due to watching a video It's that the people raping where actually being REPORTED to the authorities now. It didn't cause anything. And what the ****? You want me to get you an example of RAPE PORN? Go on /hc/ or some other bastion on the internet. It's not hard to find. I'm not gonna link you to ****ing porn. You have made the baseless assumption that men and women are somehow completely physically and emotionally fulfilled by porn and video games. Those are HUGE ramifications you are making and I have to wonder what your opinion on human beings is if you think being fulfilled is something as simple as that. 1. Yes because judging a country based on their SEX INDUSTRY is perfectly viable. 2. You've said squat about their video game development. You've taken extreme examples without even taking into consideration the other extremes. Like I said, I doubt you even know what the top selling games in Japan are right now. At the moment they are Yakuza: Ishin Harvest Moon 3D: A new Beginning Fossil Fighters: Infinite Gear Do these games get no mention? You didn't seem to comment on this kind of game development. You just solely hand picked the ones that were convenient to your argument. And yet you've mentioned very little OF the media industry. All you've talked about is porn, anime and video games. Japanese media is not solely composed of those things in the same way French media is not solely composed of Cartoons and Tintin. You haven't looked about books, or Television shows that aren't TV or even movies. Hell you haven't even given a proper look at anime and video games. I know women are sexualized in video games. I'm not saying it's a good thing. I am saying that it is an ignorant thing to say no matter how you look at it that "X country is the WORST offender of this ever" when you have actively ignored every other good thing they have ever done.
This is cherrypicking. You have taken the most extreme example from each series while ignoring the rest. Soul Calibur Spoiler [/img][/img] Sengoku Basara Spoiler Ninja Gaiden/DoA as they are both using the same characters anywho Spoiler Dragons Crown Spoiler Dragons Crown might I add along with every other Vanillaware game is built aesthetically around being as exaggerated as possible for both male and females. While Bayonetta does have Jeanne Spoiler Bayonetta is indeed super sexual, however Bayonetta the game is built largely on flash, glammer and like Dragons Crown being as ridiculous as possible. This is something that exists upon thousands upon thousands of works. Metal Gear Solid Spoiler That picture of Serah isn't even sexualized. It's literally just her not wearing a top. She doesn't even go through the game topless. XIII-2 Spoiler And of course Lightning Spoiler The only reason you chose what you chose above is because those are the kind of things that social media and other so call "game journalist" like to draw the most attention to. They go digging for all the sexualization they can find and throw it in your face yelling "HEY LOOK! ISN'T THIS BAD!? THOSE JAPANESE SURE ARE SICK HUH!?" only when it suits their interest. Meanwhile here in the West we have Mortal Kombat, the most popular western fighting game of all time. Spoiler Skullgirls Spoiler Hell I can't even post Duke Nukem since that's just NSFW period, a game riddled with hyper sexualized girls that I can pay to dance for me AND Aliens and there was enough hype around Forever to take out a hype train. But as I said, people don't want to bring up those examples in fear of having thier respective culture look bad, but when it comes to Japanese game number 503 having a girl wearing a bikini? LOOK LOOK! THIS IS WHAT ALL JAPANESE GAMES ARE EVERYONE! It's easy to paint a generalization of a society when you focus only on extremes. Well that sounds to me like an opinion Believe it or not, some people don't think it's cool when Duke Nukem goes "I've got balls of steel" after blowing an enemies head off. Regardless that doesn't defeat the fact that the point of the one liner is just to be a flashy cool thing the character says after killing an enemy. If you don't find it cool then whatever, but it's hardly the basis for "WHY THIS CHARACTER IS POORLY WRITTEN". Games are allowed to appeal to whoever they want to appeal to. You want a game about monkeys? There's those You want a game about soup? There's that too You want a game that focuses on story? There's tons of those You want a game that's mindless blood and guts? I can hook you up. When every game is trying to appeal to ever single human being on the planet is when things like Tomb Raider happen where Square-Enix shells out a gazillion dollars on advertising a game to absolutely everyone only to LOSE money instead of gaining it when people buy the game. There are niches for everyone, go find them and play those games. There is no reason why every game in the world has to appeal to absolutely everyone. It's that kind of attitude that kills off niche games. She can wear all KINDS of outfits. Have you even seen what her DEFAULT outfit is? You are once again focusing on the most extreme examples while ignoring the rest. Are you serious? EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE HAS WEIRD FETISHIES! EVER SEEN GERMAN PORN!? The national age of consent in Angola is 12. What the hell does this have to do with anything? It's called culture differences, a 13 year old in another country might be considered ready for sexual intercourse then a 13 year old in your country. Does this make sense to you? Of course it doesn't, YOU'VE BEEN RAISED IN A COUNTRY WITH A HIGHER AGE OF CONSENT AND THEREFORE WHAT YOU LEARN ABOUT SEX AND SEXUALITY IS BUILT AROUND THAT! Once again, fetishes exist everywhere all the time no matter what. I HARDLY see why you're using PORN of all things as an example of generilzing a culture. Germans must love eating **** since scat is extremely popular over there. That isn't even what an idol is. I can already tell that you're just pulling things out of your ass. This has to be the single most silly thing you've said so far. You're telling me the ability to watch (acted) rape has somehow turned people into rapist? If you're raping people, it is HARDLY because some video suddenly just clicked off the empathy part in your brain and made you go "GOTTARAPEGOTTARAPEGOTTARAPE" And once again, rape fetishes exist everywhere. You have once again completely generalized a situation. Birth rates in Japan are largely affected by the fact that it simply cost too much in Japan to take care of a child and any compensation programs that Japan might have quickly dwindled in recent years. Nowadays in Japan for a woman to have a baby means giving up her career and source of income which lots of Japanese women don't feel like doing. They're are people who isolate themselves from society all over the world, once again people are only focusing on the worst possible examples. And that is ignorant and you know it. You have judged an entire society of people based on cartoons. Face it, you don't know what you're talking about and are just parroting things you heard on the internet. It's easy to look at another culture and say "This is what is wrong with said society" when you know so little about said society
Ashe IS the main character of Final Fantasy XII Hiroshi Minegawa confirmed that Vaan and Panelo were added in late into the development of the game by request from Square because it's easier to sell a game in Japan when the main playable characters are teenagers, hence why Vaan and Panelo are there.
While I don't like Lightning, your reasons are incredibly silly. First of all That is an INCREDIBLY huge assumption that you are making for an entire countries worth of video game based only on a single Final Fantasy character. This is called grasping at straws. What the translators decide to translate the Japanese line as doesn't mean that they're trying to dumb her down or something. The line itself probably makes tons more sense in Japanese and things were either A: Lost in translation or B: It's suppose to sound cool. It's a one liner after all, it's something that's been in entertainment across the world since the 50's. It's suppose to be something cool you say after a battle, what would you have preferred? "Let's rock and roll"? It's the same thing that gets the same point across. Seriously, the outfits are the least of anyone's concerns. They aren't even that skimpy, she gets a full suit and Cloud for godssake. X-2 had skimpier outfits then Lightning ever gets and that game is fantastic.
The PC version comes with all the DLC The DLC is free in North America on the PSN The PC version is at the moment the technically superior one so go with that.
Yeah, if there's ANYTHING that's wrong with Final Fantasy XIII-3, the dress up aspect is the least offensive thing. Hell X-2 had dress up and that game was the ****ing bomb. Not story wise of course but everything else about it was pretty tits on ice. The thing with XIII-3 is that nobody really wanted it. It had a whole bunch of **** like real time gameplay and towns and open worlds and NPC's and whatnot. But those shouldn't be SELLING points to your third game in a series, those should staple things that were already in your first game. And of course the story is pretty AssyMcGee too but I tuned out of it as soon as I heard the word travel and time.
And so that one comes to a close, see ya next time for derogatory thread titles. PREVIOUS WINNERS BEST KINGDOM HEARTS GAME: Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix Best Console: Playstation 2
I found Beware to be incredibly lame anyway, especially in comparison to Brave and the Bold so eh.
It's not like Paradigm shifting takes any actual effort anyway. The only annoying thing is that you have to watch everyone do thier little dance at the beginning of every battle but that's more of a design flaw then an actual challenge.