But she never applied what she learned from said fight to any of her other fights considering she beat every other Deva by tricking them in similar ways. We all damn well know Takarada wasn't a threat to anyone. And in those other cases he STILL manages to get jobbed and Nui, Ryuko and Ragyou end up going after bigger fish to fry
You flip em up and then pull to the side for easy dickings
But then what's the point of having him defeat the main character if it's not going to amount to anything then saying "Look guys, he can beat the main character"? He's not a threat to anyone relevant Nobody has to overcome him on a physical OR mental level. Not the main character, not anyone. He was literally just there to be Yamcha for the rest of the series
Nudist Beach got jobbed so hard, it was really hard to watch. ESPECIALLY WHEN WE HAD CLEARLY ESTABLISHED THAT THEY WERE IN POSSESSION OF SOMETHING THAT COULD ****ING ELIMINATE LIFE FIBERS I greatly enjoyed Kill la Kill but Trigger definitely got rushed story wise or just have ass writers since there were a bit too much red herrings and things that went nowhere. Sangeyama develops an ability that puts him on greater footing then the main character. Only to get his ass kicked by everyone and everything for the rest of the show Tsumugu's sister? You know the one that mysteriously died? Who cares about that right? I also felt it was kind of "cheap" for lack of better terms that all the major villains just ended up killing themselves Now go watch Samurai Flamenco
This thread should have been about ejaculation
So when do we collect underpants?
Oh boy, another social media fiasco that will amount to nothing and we'll all forget about it in a years time
For what purpose?
And you disgust people It all comes full circle
I damn well know you weren't saying radical in 98
It's like I'm really in 1998
What's wrong with recommending things that you like to people? If they don't care then they won't listen to it, if they do then they will. Isn't that how is usually works?
Nobody said this Read the thread What does ANY of that have to do with being lazy? Nobody in this thread said there was no reason to buy a console, here's what was being said in this thread. 1. It's cheaper. That's it, in fact the cost of PC gaming was the entire BASIS for why this thread was even made. PC's do things, Consoles do things. Nobody in this thread was denying any of that, YOU'RE the one that came into this thread and started spouting "GUYS! GUYS! PC'S AREN'T EVEN THAT GOOD" when nobody was even talking about that. I'm not going to provide counter arguments to someone who couldn't even read TWO POSTS ABOVE THEM before coming into this thread let alone about an argument that NOBODY was having.
Where are all these assumptions coming from? It's a pretty big generalization to just say "Everyone is lazy, nobody will do so and so" when said people might just disagree with you. Once again, another assumption based on zero anything. Hell you just made your entire arguement "There's just no way, not possible, no friggin way this is possible" The problem here is a bunch of huge generalizations based on not much.
Like do you even realize the things you are saying? You just said that piracy is a huge thing on the PC, bigger then on consoles And then immediately after you say "lol more people play legit versions on Steam then cracked versions" Hell you can't even say that, you're literally just pulling random things out of thin air and then going "Do you SERIOUSLY think people do X and don't do Y?" as your argument. Like seriously, what are you trying to say right now? I think you're just being contrary for the sake of being contrary.
Right That explains why within hours of a DRM game coming out a CRACK is made specifically for the purpose of playing said game without DRM. That explains PSN for the PS4 which literally will NOT LET YOU PLAY GAMES THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY PAYED FOR UNLESS YOU RE-NEW YOUR PSN! EVEN SINGLEPLAYER GAMES! YOU DO REALIZE THAT NOT ONLY CAN PIRATE ALMOST EVERY CONSOLE EVER ALONG WITH ITS LIBRARY OF GAMES! BUT THE FACT THAT YOU CAN ALSO SHARE GAMES WITH PEOPLE THROUGH PSN-GAME SHARING RIGHT!? No seriously, you guys are just saying things for the sake of saying things at this point. What the hell IS even PC Gaming Culture?
Depends on the issue. If the issue is "YOUR COMPUTER IS 80 YEARS OLD" then yeah it's the hardware. If the game is crashing then it's probably the Software Alright, that's called DRM. You can disable it but that would be pirating the game. That's not exactly an inherit problem with all PC's though, even console games have DRM. I don't see what your point is.
Huh? Considering someone could have two entirely different answers based on if they can build now or if they could build 10 years ago, I don't see how that's splitting hairs. Hell, some of the replies in this thread have even said "I will be able to in the future". I don't know what it is you're trying to figure out but you are asking a whole lot of questions that can all have different answers.