20 years later people are still talking about Tim Burtons Batman And 30+ years later people are still talking about Christopher Reeve's Superman BOTH of those are era defining movies Hell, how can you hear this and NOT know what it's from?
Well generally speaking if you have no history with any of the Avengers or Batman, etc then you might not be able to appreciate it and it surely won't look like anything spectacular to you. Avengers leaves a mark on me because I predicted that it would come out the night after I saw Batman Returns for the first time ever. Some people say I'm being silly but I DAMN WELL PREDICTED THAT IT WOULD COME OUT YOU COULD EVEN SAY I WAS A GOD AT THE TIME Also does a movie really need to be deep and thought provoking in order to be good? Different kinds of movies are good for different kinds of reason. There's nothing super thought provoking about John Carpenter's "The Thing" and in fact the most prominent thing about the movie is just how utterly amazing the traditional effects are in the movie. But that's exactly why it's one of my favorite horror movies out there. There's no deep themes to it, it's just "alien takes over people, everyone flips the **** out" at its core but it is the make up and animatronics alone that turn the film into something really unsettlingly ****ing disgusting. Controversy and themes are not the only things that make movies memorable or even GOOD. Just look at that abomination Transcendence.
You obviously haven't been around since for very long I've been the black sheep over hyonder since ever
2014 kh-vids everybody
So you're gonna have sex with her right?
It was a mistake
My bad, I mistoke the green for Mike. I'm really not sure what you're confused about. Is it my original post or what?
Because the point of the squid was that it was so out of place and impossible that you just HAD to believe it What other explanation could there be for an alien squid to teleport into Time Square and use its psychic waves to mind rape thousands and cause people's head to explode? In a book that took its time to deconstruct the cape hero genre and highlight the inherit problems that come with real life "superheroes" the one thing that manage to change the entire world in a flash is quite literally straight out of a comic book. Also
And that was probably wrong which you would have noticed if you read Mike's post
What's there to address? He said it's not the worse selling. He however made the claim that I was penalizing the game based on sales.
I wasn't penalizing the game based on that Did you even read my post? Like did you? Did you see at any point I said "XIII is bad because of its sales"?
There are lots of raisins people don't like the game STORY A lot of focus goes to characters that nobody really likes, Sazh and Fang were cool but everyone else was just kind of stupid And I don't mean "OH THEY DID SOMETHING I DISAGREE WITH! THEY MUST BE BAD" kind of stupid I mean a lot of the things the characters do just don't seem to make any sense a lot of the time, this goes for the villains AND heroes. Because of the linear nature of the game, there's not a lot of NPC conversations you can have, so every bit of hatred or love you have for a character will be coming from one of the cutscenes, it's kind of lame because optional conversations were used a lot in other Final Fantasy games and added a lot to the characters and the world around them. There's no way I could count on my hand just how many little convos in Final Fantasy X there are that you can completely miss the first time around and especially in Final Fantasy VI. XIII doesn't really have any of these and if so they are very few. And I hate when a series is stretched out into 3 games. I just don't think it's necessary for XIII. GAMEPLAY: EXPLORATION There's a SLEW of issues here. For starters it is incredibly linear. There is nothing wrong with linear games but Final Fantasy games have always emphasized exploration, even in Final Fantasy X there was the option to go to other areas and revisit old ones before you fight Sin. I've heard people say "WELL YOU'RE ON THE RUN! YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO EXPLORE" but this is a stupid excuse since in Final Fantasy VII a METEOR WAS ABOUT TO CRASH INTO EARTH but I still had time to go breed giant Chickens or in Final Fantasy VIII, the space time continuum was about to go apeshit but there's still time to go play some cards. Final Fantasy is a video game at the end of the day, there's GOING to be SOME sort of dissonance between the gameplay and the story, if it's never been a problem in the past there's no reason to try and cover it up now. And of course the ability to never be able to go back EVEN WITH AN AIRSHIP is just lame. GAMEPLAY: COMBAT It's really not that engaging. First of all the inability to actually MOVE your character(s) while in battle is really stupid. It's like they couldn't decide if they wanted the game to be turn based or real time so they turned it into this awkward mess of both. You are attacked in real time, the enemies and your attacks are all based on spacing so it is possible to have attacks miss you if you move out of the way and same with enemies. Sounds cool huh? TOO BAD YOU CAN'T MOVE ANY OF YOUR PARTY MEMBERS ANYWAY All they do is aimlessly strafe around the enemy, there's no telling if they'll decide to move away from the incoming explosion or not, it's just a game of chance. The worst part however if at the beginning of a fight, if you wish to change your paradigms, the characters do this little animation before changing that leaves you COMPLETELY OPEN to ANY ATTACK and there is nothing you can do about this. Granted it only happens during the first paradigm shift of the match it is still insanely annoying and just poor game design Other then that though the actual difficulty is lackluster. The summon fights are as hard as it gets. You'll want your healing paradigms, your "hurry up and stagger" paradigms and then your "wail on it while he's staggered" paradigm. Switching between them isn't exactly hard. On the bright side the graphics are pretty and Fang and Sazh are based but overall it's not hard to see why it's one of the lowest selling Final Fantasy games. Everything it tried to do other RPG's and previous Final Fantasy games have done much much MUCH better. It's just a lackluster game overall.
Somebody hacked the site Thread over
SEMIFINALS IS GO X vs IX http://strawpoll.me/1545492 VI vs After Years http://strawpoll.me/1545502
ROUND 3 IS GO 012 vs IX http://strawpoll.me/1535334 X vs V http://strawpoll.me/1535340 VI vs VII http://strawpoll.me/1535344 X-2 vs The After Years http://strawpoll.me/1535347
What's that? The Final boss is hard? You won't be able to beat it on your first time around? WHAT AN OUTRAGE!
This is so incredibly wrong it's amazing just how wrong you are.
Might I ask what exactly it is you enjoyed about that game that other shooters do not have? I'm genuinely curious.
ROUND 2 IS GO DoC vs 012 http://strawpoll.me/1526340 IV vs IX http://strawpoll.me/1526345 X vs VIII http://strawpoll.me/1526351 IX vs XII http://strawpoll.me/1526356 VI vs A2 http://strawpoll.me/1526363 VII vs XIII http://strawpoll.me/1526375 After Years vs Tactics http://strawpoll.me/1526386 X-2 vs XIV http://strawpoll.me/1526395