I must..meh siggeh's too bright!.. AHHHHHHH
Meh, most of my sigs are 400x150 excluding text, anyway... This seems very fair.
xD No-No! -dies-
Hi hi! ^^ Oi, I'm so hyper...
They were on sale at Wal-Mart for like...$165...xP
Katies here!
I'll join! Hmn, my title will be... Insane Little Sister.
((Whoo! Okay!)) Naomi roamed around the marketplace, looking for something good. She didn't know what, just something. She smiled and waved to everybody she passed.
xD Computer pwnage.
((LOL, NO! What I mean is start like she got lost of something...))
Is it....a sandwich?
((OMG, I didn't even know if this thread was still alive...OO; I may as well start COMPLETELY over...xD))
Um...is it sweet?
OOh, it ends on meh B-day... Bleh, useless info: Oddly, I was already working on a KH sig when I read this...will put it up when I finish... EDIT: Wow...first yellow/bright sig I've made in a while...
October 3... I'm getting a new MP3 player---it has vid/pics on it..^_^
MMMMM, Andy's cheeseburger.
xD That is my new phrase...with credit to you, of course!
Bye, Kikame!
((OMG, your right...13 years ago!) The g.