If you would like to... Actually, that was just a guess.. I don't even now what language you're speaking.
Wow, I just realized how longit's been since I played Kh...>_>
OO; I have NO idea what is going on... I'm guessing "rammu" is "Hello"?
I can play it..actually, I have it out right now, trying to play a song. I'm actually very good with the Clarinet. I played it from 4-6th grade Then switched to Bass Clarinet in 7th grade... And now, I play F Horn... I have the skill of a 6th grader...xD
Wow, someone else who is not stalked!
Heh, I'm learning the French Horn for marching band... I SUCK. My friend is playing the Tenor Sax.
Heh, Meowth and Xemnas... I can see that now... A new Dictatorship! OF CATS. WHOOOOO!~
LOL, yes. /fillerz/
((Okay, thanks)) Axel paced around. It was obvious that he was concentrated on something...
((Thanks...where should I start?))
Yeah...the link was in someone's siggy, and stupid me clicked it. ^^ Tags are pwnful.
Wow, I didn't realize how bored I was until now...
((Yep...^^ Unless I'm grounded, then I'll let you all know...or if I'm going somewhere/etc.))
Sounds like my dog...Oo;
O.M.G. -tackled- LOL LEEKSPIN. 1 hour, 7 minutes and running...xD
(( Hey, is Axel taken yet?))
Thanks...^^ I entered it into teh Sig/Week contest...PSH, like I'll win... LOL -steals Riku's blindfold-
Aww, yeah..they were great members.
Kiesh? or however you spell it...but you know what I'm talking about...right? Or a crescent roll?