Megaupload is a site to download files from... ^^
I'm guessing it's an illusion. But meh, I haven't been keeping up, so I don't know for sure. Just his expression leads me to some clues.
xDD Okay, and thanks!..^^
No problem...^^ Back to working on mine.. LOL, I did the leekspin thing for like...2 hours straight...
27756 Well, hi to you, too!..^^
I'm trying to get my dad to get me Sony Vegas...>.<
xD And just the opposite if Demyx ruled the world.
LOL, ironically, my friends and I were talking agbout the same thing... I can't remember anything off the top of my head, though.
I saw the one on the link...great job!
I haven't made a new vid, lately. I'm working on one with the song "Tori no Uta"...the theme song from Air TV... Pretty song.
Either one! I like surprises..^_^
O_______________________O Okkkkay.
It's liek, this guy: Wait...there's something wrong there... AH! Here we go: Oo;
Or, maybe they wear spandex suits. Fullbody.
I feel...bored.
Katie must find it... -hypnotized-
No-No knows who my little KH crush is...;)
LOL! No wonder I've never heard it.
I would think so... at least a undreshirt or something.