-hides hammer behind her back- Okay, moving on... Oh God...let me keep my BF in the other room...xD Lauren...I could tell just by looking at the name..xD
My name starts witha "K"!
OMG, I'm turning red in the face, literally...my boyfriend is over here... I think I need to check my temperature.
Yeah, but I was actually, quoting it for the bottom part...
LOL Mabeh... -n33nj4h eyes-
Me? /fillerz/
xD I was talking about..um...I think marching band..
Okay, yes, there are 365 days in a year, but I can' find anything to hint something about a year. But what led me to figure the 179 days is this: 1. The title is KH: 358/2 Days. 2. In mathematics, the slash (/) means divide. 3. 358/2=179. ASLO: Searching the web, I found this: (Thanks to 1up.com) Any thoughts? (Beh, hit the "4" instead of "5" key..>_>)
Roxma. He said that they'd make you not pick your nose.
xD yeah. It did me too.
Yesh, we can...<3
How did I know you were going to put that? But anyway: I know, that's why I dumped the keyboard.
I cheated on juu...with my keyboard.
OMG... -prints Roxas pic out for her binder-
xD "Spams Sexily"?
You and me both.
Ooh, evil like 4kids.
Meh...;_; xD
Now where have I heard that before? xD
Nuuu, shh, that web-cam video was supposed to be a secret!