136. Nobody but Pence is fat.
133. That little yellow bears can PWN you.
Very good! But "suddenly" was spelled wrong.
LULZ. All true.
xD OMG, I love you now.
Will I ever pwn as much as you?
Well, you can't love everybody...
Likolnex Nikole? LOL
Kurix- Riku? Likolnex- Figuring out. Velexira- Valerie? Raxia- Aira Mixim- Mimi Xikari- Kairi
Thanks for telling us that.
About Xehanort.... He's not very donw to earth, is he?
Is this a trick?
Yeah, we have to work with anagrams in school, so I've very quick when it comes to figuring out an anagram. @ Pure Beats: LOL
Elizabeth. Too easy.
Yeah...^^ =D I just hate that name...
Then where'd the H, R, teh extra E, and the N come from?
Lunaxer. There's only one name that I know of that has L U N A E R in it.. Hey, that's mah nickname!
Figure it out: Tharkexine WOW, that took a while.
xD You hit all around it.
HA! I said it first~ Everyone knows what my name is...x.X