xD -dies laughing- Yeah...I thought of that before...kinda puzzled me to death.
xD Woman power!
Damn skippy! >D Gots a problem with it?
Whaaaaaat? I thought you were with VGN? Oo; Moodkip: Should I ask?
xD Nice. No-No: Oh, I'm oh so lonely now... ._______.
Oh well, at least the last goodbye present was that you spelled my name right... -_-;; I still love you as a friend, anyway... =D Even if it's over.
I bought you a pretty piece of chicken! What more do you want from me?! ;_; Does this mean it's over?
Yesh, maybeh... >.> <.< >:3 Oh, Yes...
Whoo! Go Kitty!
Meh...-_-;; Why be so cruel? ._____.
... But...but... Can I have the ******ed one? It WAS my fault, anyway...
Yes, but I guess it's fair...at least VGN isn't an inanimate object...
;_; Oh my...you timed it just right... -goes to her emo corner- of all THINGS, WHY VGN?
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
...Oo; Okay? ...
boo. /fillerz/
xD Hai thar ;)
Hey you! -pokes-
O.M.G. -tacklehug-
Hai. Remember meh?