...Wow...I hate my teacher right now...-_-;;
((Okay...then I'll post the fan form thing when you get back...=D))
((I'll join...brb, though... I'm filling out a fan fomr...but I'll be Kairi and/or Namine as well.))
But...I win.... -puppy dog eyes-
It's not until Wednesday, but I won't be on..so..XD Thanks...^_^
I got me a new DS for my birthday, along with a video mp3 player... Katie is happy...now if only I could figure out how to use the damn mp3 player...OO;
I know how to spell...;_;
Take a rock, and throw it at the TV... I can't STAND that movie, so that's what I would do.
xD I don't go on as much anymore, but I do go on.
Yeah...you could never stop loving the family.
XD Yes, you do.
xD Remeber, I AM the pervert. Run and hide, little kiddies. Katie's going to convert you to PERVERTISM! Wait...that made me sound like...nevermind...Oo;
xD No matter how hard he-wait...what am I saying? Yesh...^_^
Well, are we both done cheating? I want to have a happy relationship! I'm so sorry I cheated on juu! I told you, Roxma fed me drugs! (xD This is like my the game of cards I play with my cousin...I won't go into detail...-_-;;)
Yesh, she cheated. I feel so unlurved. That Mr. Toilet must be a lucky guy. LOL @ Kitty.
Everybody lurves theirselfvvvess... <3
xD This gives a whole new meaning to the word "virgin" EDIT: XD 47 replies?!
Psh, you love everything out there, don't you?
Win...may I quote that in my sig?
-death stare- I hate you and your wins.