A sweet warm muffin..hehe muffin lol
Cuz now I want a muffin lol
Don't mention food xD
Rain- he might jack it
Rain- *shrug* good luck with that
Rain- and you sir,go work for me
rain-ah I see.well got lucky no one else was around
Rain- first time I see you eat it
Rain- you eat bacon everyday?
Rain-but there's hardly any now and when they are around, they just disappear
Rain- well yeah they give you something to target which is them and them hiding or running away is like playing hide-and-seek
Rain- well the places I went were boring too. Evil people make all the fun happen
Rain- exploring and stuff. What about you?
Rain-huh wonder if they even get full Kain- *shakes his head*
Kain-*takes one and eats* Rain- he likes everything
rain- we always can lol
Aqua-someone actually bought something? Rain- and orange too. *looks at roxan* you sure like bacon
*kisses back/late* lol
Rain-Oo peachy