You know the scene where mickey and riku get pushed down by xemnas and ansem? It happens around there can be looked at that way...
They were but someone thank god saved him
...we could always be the...non creepy side of org.13 and...yeah... Ill be on in a sec *fixes self up*
Knew it lol *realizes the name of the legion in aion*.....oh god... ..*looks in the mirror* don't think you'd want to lol
Sorry but youd probably would do the same Huh...that's..kinda accurate
Just finished the game and wow..ill never think of org.13 the same way again...that's just disturbing
Ill see if I can
Not as badass as riku and lea lol
Lol it does
ok Ill add you when I get on
Oo looks awesome
Hardly use it but yeah
*finishes the game*..........oh my god.....that has got to be the best game yet! And Lea...I love him even more! God this game was awesome
Idk they give me money randomly. Should have around 100 and something but my mom needed that so got like around 40 now
No it'll be to stressful with that and school
Yeah that would be the only way
Well just save up
Lol alrighty then, sweet dreams :)