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  1. MadDoctorMaddie
    I think nineteen is considered the last year of teenage-hood, since 20 isn't pronounced "twenteen"...

    Good for you Maka for standing up against your parents, I know how hard that can be. Distance does seem to make it easier, though.
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Nov 6, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. MadDoctorMaddie
    Oh, don't mind me...

    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Nov 4, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. MadDoctorMaddie
  4. MadDoctorMaddie


    Is it just me, but isn't writing "meh" in all caps kinda contradictory? I mean, "meh" is supposed to be a simplified method of saying "I'm not really bothering to put effort in displaying my disinterest/boredom," but YELLING IT OUT REQUIRES SOME EFFORT.

    I'm totally not over thinking this, you guys.
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Nov 2, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. MadDoctorMaddie
    Honestly, I feel that if a guy is intimidated by me doing something that's perceived as 'manly', he isn't really worth my time.

    Do what you want to do, not what they expect you to do.


    PS. Fencing is awesome, I wish I had a chance to take more lessons in it.
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Nov 2, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. MadDoctorMaddie
    Can we request certain parts to write for? If so, I'd like to take a crack at writing the Premium member's POV (part 4), but I could definitely use a writing partner to kick my derriere whenever I slip from deadlines.

    Also, can we write songs already, or write where we think a song could fit, and explain what we want to tell with the song? Cause I feel that, for example, the premium member's life, and motivations that lead that member to live such a busy life could be dealt with better in a song, rather than dialogue/monologue.
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Nov 2, 2012 in forum: KHV Musical
  7. MadDoctorMaddie
    About a $100, since I had to work all night.
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. MadDoctorMaddie
    This just might be the greatest gif in the history of ever.
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. MadDoctorMaddie
    Huh, my voice is usually the lowest the longer I've stayed up, so by 2 am I'm almost low enough to be a bass 8D
    I think my voice was actually a little huskier when I was younger, and I've been trying to train myself to talk a little higher, at my "true pitch" which is slightly higher than my regular voice, but it would allow me to be able to have the best resonance with the least effort, so it keeps my voice healthier.

    Physically I developed fairly quickly, I've barely grown since I was 14.
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  10. MadDoctorMaddie
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. MadDoctorMaddie
    Wow, this sounds fantastic! I know you had trouble editing this, Jayn, but you really can't tell that from the end product.
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 31, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  12. MadDoctorMaddie
    At least you don't have to work on Halloween.
    #adult problems
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 31, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. MadDoctorMaddie


    I've heard the name, was he an athlete or something?
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 31, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. MadDoctorMaddie
    If they have Wedge Antilles and Wes Janson in them, I'll fully support this. The rest of the Rogues and Wraiths can come, too.
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 30, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. MadDoctorMaddie


    Nah, the only mention of Blaise before HBP was in Philosophers Stone, and they just said he'd been sorted to Slytherin, without mentioning his gender. Crabbe didn't have his race mentioned (so of course he's assumed white.)
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 30, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. MadDoctorMaddie


    I think that in Half Blood Prince it was mentioned that he was black. Which was part of the reason for the sh*tstorm some of the fangirls cause after HBP came out, since "We thought Blaise was a girl, now we can't use her/him as a self insert ;.;"
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 30, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. MadDoctorMaddie
    Welp, I know what I'll be listening on repeat tonight!
    Adorable, you guys, so frakking adorable I can't even.
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 30, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  18. MadDoctorMaddie
    The brain's actually what runs everything else, iirc. And that definitely ages
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 29, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. MadDoctorMaddie
    Times like this make me glad I chose to move to Chicago in stead of New York. Worst thing we get is colder weather, and some wind that we're already used to anyway.

    Good luck, my East Coaster friends!
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 29, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. MadDoctorMaddie
    Gah, I completely forgot to ask for the achievements:

    Not entirely sure, but was Leia a Vocaloid song? (So Voca-V)
    I'm gonna make a bid for omg no, why, mainly because of that high note in Seasons of Love (that I'm not sure I actually hit, upon hearing it again), and due to the fact that the song usually has at least seven singers in it, male and female.
    Which is also why I'll ask for double take for the same song, while it technically wasn't a duet, but I had about 6 or 7 tracks for vocals recorded and mixed.

    That's it, I think...

    Btw, I'll probably only sing the last two minutes of my song (a.k.a. the part that was on Glee <,<), it's the only part I know I can sing properly and have time for.
    Post by: MadDoctorMaddie, Oct 29, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus